do you wear weather inappropriate clothes?

I mostly dress weather appropriate. I think the sweaters, coats, and hats in this game are too cute not to wear right now. I do miss some of the summery dresses and flower crowns, but ehh...~winter is coming.
i try to because i always feel uncomfortable when my character is wearing a short sleeve dress in the middle of winter or vice versa
Season, yes. Weather, no.

Even if it rained a lot in spring and summer, I kept wearing tanktops or didn't bother with umbrellas. But with snow, I like wearing sweaters and coats.
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Ever since I found out that it doesn't matter what my character wears, I just wear whatever. Sometimes I go days without changing until a villager comments about my clothes. I like the long dresses like Victorian, Fashionable Royal, and Cold Country. I wish there were more historical styles in the game.
I used to wear clothing that was inappropriate for the weather, but then one time Margie made a snarky remark about me dressing too warmly for the summer, so I stopped.
Depends. I have 5 player characters and 4 are based on the seasons. My winter player character is the only one that wears winter-themed clothes. My summer character will always be in shorts, even if it is snowing.
I used to, but now that it's winter I really love the clothes in the shop now. So I think by Spring next year, I'm still going to be wearing Winter/Fall clothes and will continue all year round!
Sometimes! Not the first thing I think about when creating an outfit. I prefer wearing long-sleeve shirts, sweaters, and jackets, and mixing up tights/shorts no matter the season or weather. 🥰 Although if it's raining I may switch into some rain gear.
I try to change my clothes ever so often, but it’s been awhile since I’ve changed out of my purple fairy dress. I like it and I’m lazy. lol I don’t tend to pay attention too much to weather appropriate clothes though. I’m still in fall, but once winter comes around for me I think I will try to dress a little warmer, especially once the snow starts coming. I hear winter clothes are super cute, so it shouldn’t be hard to motivate me to finally change my outfit into something more appropriate.
My character never wears the appropriate clothes depending on the season haha she will be in the cutest no sleeve dresses freezing in winter haha
I generally wear seasonal clothes, unless I'm modeling for Label. The thought of short sleeves in the Canadian winter makes me shiver. XD
I always match my clothing to the weather and season. It’s weird that they cut your character shivering or sweating depending on clothing.
actually no! i love wearing clothes that match the in-game weather since it feels more realistic
I try to match the actual weather. Not to the extreme, but during the summer it's short sleeves, and for fall and winter it's long sleeves :)
Quite the contrary, I have more fun dressing up to match the weather/season! It gets me more immersed in the game, and with so many clothing options, it's easy to find something to match what's going on outside.
I was dressed up as a Scotsman for sometime, but when fall came around, I began to dress my villager in clothes that would be considered cozy. Then when December arrived, I tried to really bundle up my villager.

This thread made me realize that your character doesn't shiver or sweat if you wear clothes that are inappropriate for the weather like in New Leaf.
I do believe the villagers take notice, however. My brother thought he had his character wearing proper attire for the cold weather, and Dobie said that he must be cold with what he's wearing. My brother got annoyed by this and went back to his wardrobe to find something more "warm".
I usually go for something weather based, but right now my Christmas tree dress seems mighty cold for the start of the snow!
I’m not the most creative with outfits, but I had a thought like this while going to the sea to search for the lobster in the beginning of the month. It’s going to be snowing soon enough, and our characters look perfectly content running around in nothing but a wetsuit.
I can't do it. I have to wear warm clothes in the colder months, lighter ones in the summer. I liked running around bare foot in the summer, but it would bother me doing it with snow on the ground. I don't even like swimming in the winter. It's so coooold. Burrrr.