Do your parents play animal crossing?

My mom made a person on WW, and transfered it onto my City Folk, but she doesn't really play it. She just doesn't understand... *sigh*
just me and my bro. my bro catches lots of rare fish. buut i have lots of fruits. haha half the town is my orchard half the town is his so called orchared (just has a few trees.) lol
My Mom Does. she is good to me on there. She gave me Donkey Kong, Tennis, and the Pinball i have been looking for since July 4th. :gyroidsideways: :gyroiddance:

My Bro does too. he puts prices on stuff i want. :throwingrottenapples: and shakes my Imported Fruit trees..
Let's see.... My mom used to play like all my games when I was little...
When I was obsessed with pokemon, she would play it for me, and i would watch. Then I would screw everything up and she would have to do it again. Then she moved on to animal crossing. She did the same stuff for me, and I screwed it up, once again. So she stopped since then. My Dad thinks Animal Crossing is kinda pointless, and whenever im on wifi he's always like
"Is that kid ******** or something? Holy ------" Well yeahh.... o_o He's more into the NES games because whenever I start playing Super Mario Bros. 3, he's just like 0.0 So yeah they dont really do that much... maybe 3 times.... A YEAR!