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Does anyone else love this?


Oct 18, 2012
Throwback Tickets
Black Feather
Heart Glow Wand
Flower Glow Wand
Crescent Moon Glow Wand
Pink Feather
Red Feather
White Feather
Blue Feather
Fair Pinwheel
Yellow Feather
I love the little references of things from other games/the past.

Like when Rover said he hadn't been traveling since '02, or when you first meet Guliver and he makes mention of him knowing Bobbery of rogueprt. This might sound crazy, but I think that might be my favorite thing in this game!

I don't know why I get such a kick from it, but what are your thoughts? Do you think the references are super-adorable? :)
i agree! i think it's great - kind of like easter eggs for people who have played through the series.

on a similar note, i found out someone named rocket was moving in tomorrow. i had to run a background check (hahah) and it turns out she is the 4th superhero in the set (after kid cat, agent S, and big top) and new to this version. i love it!!
Oh yes, when Rover referenced the original Animal Crossing, I smiled. =D These little Easter eggs make the game even better than it already is.
When Nook mentioned the tedious errands he use to have us run. Giggled.

Also, I love how at one point, when you talk to Sable, Mable will join in the conversation and say; "Sable, don't say that! We said that we'd appreciate what we have now that Label is back!"
Reference to CF :D
I was speaking with a smug villager... and they made a reference to the entire Animal Crossing series.

Now I don't remember the details, but the villager was talking about trains. He said that the current train in the town was the 4th edition train (New Leaf) that brought back a lot of aspects of the 1st edition train (AC:GC), but it was still an entirely new train. He then explained that the 2nd (Wild World) and 3rd (City Folk) editions of the trains were very similar to the 1st edition train (AC:GC), just with minor improvements and that the 4th (New Leaf) is overall superior. Pretty neat little reference that they put in there.

And also, Gulliver said he was at Ricco Harbor. That made me smile.
I adore the amount of references this game has towards not only other games, but the main series itself-- Every time I run into one, I have to screenshot it and I get too many feels omg /)////////(\
My personal fav is when you are on the train and Rover does a throw back to Animal Crossing GC xD