Does anyone have a lot of villagers of a single type? What's it like?

I have had two Jocks and Normals at the same time in the past. Having two never bothered me really.

I currently have 3 Smugs and 2 Lazys. 0 Normals. I plan on dropping a Lazy for hopefully a Normal next, but I'll take anyone on my list as I became more open on just grabbing someone I strongly like instead of being set on a personality to fill the void. This outlook also has caused me the 3 Smug pile up, and I'd honestly take Jacques if I run into him which would lead to 4 Smugs. I'm going to struggle to figure out which Smug to let go if I end up doing so. The repeated dialogue with 3 is annoying, but I also won't pretend 99% of the dialogue in this game isn't the same repeated junk anyways.

Never understood people saying they can't stand to have one of a personality. All of the personalities are watered down and basic personalities with very little soul to them, so I struggle to see how any of them can really rub you wrong with their severely limited dialogue pool that is skippable for the 100th time anyways.
I'd love to have one of each personality on my island, but so far I'm stuck with adorable villagers who wormed their way in my heart and I'm too attached to let go >_> Too bad many normals and snooties are totally my favourite ones design wise.... so hard to choose!

Current setup is like this:
Norma- Marina, Lolly, Tia
Peppy - Audie
Snootie - Judy, Whitney, Diana
Cranky - Wolfgang
Jock - Bill
Uchi - Pashmina

Currently working on getting Tia's and Judy's picture so I can let them move on. Hopefully a lazy and smug villager will move in. Having one of each personality definetely makes the game more interesting!
I currently have 3 lazies(also my favorite type, and idk I kinda find their bug obsession in this game funny i guess, and it works well with the lazies I have now and my island theme overall), 2 normals, 2 crankies, 1 sisterly, 1 peppy and 1 smug.

Admittedly, it's disappointing to hear the exact same dialogue two or three times in a row or get the same letter from two different animals but I've just kind of accepted it at this point; my animals were picked for aesthetic or nostalgic reasons for the most part anyways.
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I try to have single types with 2 that are similar just so I can see how the 2 similar ones interact
I had two or three lazies at one time and I was never a fan. I felt like I just got the same dialogue from them all.
Once I get the two amiibo cards I ordered in the mail, I’m going to have three sisterly villagers (Flo, Cherry, and Hazel), and I am so pumped for that! I also have two normals (Flurry and Goldie) and two jocks (Coach and Goose) on my island currently. On my old island, it was annoying to have two jocks, but two peppy villagers didn’t bother me even with repetitive dialogue for some reason. I think it’s just something that depends on who you like and what types you like!
I have 3 normals. While I really love all three of them (normals are my favorite type), sometimes the repeated dialogue gets a bit annoying. I don’t really mind it though, as I don’t talk to my villagers super often 😅
I have 5 lazies (Erik, Lucky, Zucker, Stitches and Cranston). Yeah I get lots of repetitive dialogue, but I really like their designs. The lazy personality also has the funniest, and sometimes creepy, dialogue so it really doesn't matter too much to me.
I have 2 crankies, 2 jocks, 2 lazies and 2 smugs right now. Sure, the first few lines are usually the same, but they have varied dialog after talking to them 3-4 times. They have different hobbies too so it's all good. For example, Rolf likes to work out while Buzz likes to stare at flowers. Sterling spends the whole day working out while Rudy is chilling or running about. Bob and Punchy share the same hobby so it's fun seeing both of them running and playing together. Hans like to sit while Raymond just often wanders about smelling flowers.

Also, I love my villagers so much that it doesn't bother me.
Here is what I think of them after playing this game for almost a year now:

Normal: I find them more chill and cool because I can relate to them. They are the friendly type of villagers to have.

Peppy: Don't really like how they talk about always being famous and it gets annoying hearing them say "ohmigosh"

Snooty: They only care about their fashion and looks, I am not so into Fashion so what they say doesn't appeal to me.

Sisterly: They are underrated but I find them pretty chill and pretty savage once in a while.

Cranky: I can relate to them since I always wake up late feeling grumpy most of the time so I can feel their frustrations.

Smug: They are cool and they try to act like the know everything but they can be funny when they question themselves.

Lazy: I mean I don't like how they always seems to talk about Food and their "Bug Friends" its pretty weird when they say that.

Jocks: Ugh if I have to hear their "Muscles" and "abs" one more time I will just not invite them. Thats all they ever talk about is their muscles and workout.

Overall I would say my favorites are Cranky, Smug, and Normal villagers since I can relate them, the rest not so much.
I had 3 normals for a while but it wasn't a good experience. Non of them felt special because they all seemed like clones when talking to them. It makes them all unique.
on one of my old islands at some point I had 5 normal villagers and it was a bad bad choice. some of my fav villagers are normal, but having five you're gonna get bored of potentially hearing the same thing five times a day.
I've had 3 normals for a few months now.

It can be a little repetitive some days or if you talk to them a lot, but I like them all. It becomes especially noticeable during events, as they usually only have a few lines of dialogue for each event.