Does anyone still play the original Animal Crossing?

I don't really play anymore but I try to check in every 4-6 weeks and talk to everyone. I have to ignore the weeds though unless it's late enough to find wisp.
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I never had a GameCube, I play it on my Wii, and I've literally only just started playing it! I started with Wild World and I was battling with myself about buying the GC one for ages and finally done it...I don't regret the choice and I'm really enjoying the game :)
The charm of the GameCube version... it was just so special back when I was a kid.

The last time I played it was on ROM when New Leaf was already released but I didn't have my 3DS yet.
Never played it, although I hope to get it on a ROM so I can experience Tom Nook's ****ing-with-youness.