Does ignoring a villager help them move faster?


Senior Member
Aug 7, 2014
Throwback Tickets
Small Mailbox
So I've heard rumors that if you only speak to the villager ONCE (when they're in boxes to introduce yourself) and you ignore them afterwards, it removes them from the so called "friendship ladder" and immediately recycles them (aka makes them want to move) is this true? I've been attempting to try this on one of my alternate characters, but so far no luck. I've had some of my dreamies even request to move multiple times.

Can anyone shed some light on this? o:

On my mayor I've attempted to befriend both Savannah and Sally (both unwanted villagers) by sending them letters with gifts, talking to them multiple times, and completing almost all of their requests. But there was still no luck, almost all my other dreamies wanted to move BUT them ;-;
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from my own personal experiences, no. I've had about 50% success from this method. I used to cycle villagers through my town, so I guess you could say I have a lot of data on this. Others say yes, others say no. It really seems to be pretty random to me.
Usually, yes. But make sure even when you are ignoring them to walk out in front of them. There is a chance they'll ping you and tell you about them moving. Other than that, I would just insult them until they leave. XD
from my own personal experiences, no. I've had about 50% success from this method. I used to cycle villagers through my town, so I guess you could say I have a lot of data on this. Others say yes, others say no. It really seems to be pretty random to me.

it's so hard to say ;-; i've just become so frustrated with trying to cycle these two out that I'm desperate for a better way to do it xD would you have any advice based on your cycling experiences to help me out? c:

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Usually, yes. But make sure even when you are ignoring them to walk out in front of them. There is a chance they'll ping you and tell you about them moving. Other than that, I would just insult them until they leave. XD

I'm not sure honestly anymore ;-; I've tried ignoring and befriending on two different characters but I don't seem to have any luck with either D:
People have had varying responses on this, and it is a disputed topic. It's possible, as I've done it twice successfully, but I truly don't know a clear-cut, yes/no answer.
I wish I had better advice for you. I'm sure a lot of people would love a magic way of getting those pesky villagers out that refuse to move. All I can say is patience, and it'll eventually happen. I'm cheering for you and I hope you can get those villagers to leave that you want gone!
OH and the weird thing is, while I've been cycling sometimes I've skipped talking to every villager when I tt. I didn't talk to Chief through about a week maybe of tt and one of my villagers told me he wanted to move. That's why I'm not sure :/

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I wish I had better advice for you. I'm sure a lot of people would love a magic way of getting those pesky villagers out that refuse to move. All I can say is patience, and it'll eventually happen. I'm cheering for you and I hope you can get those villagers to leave that you want gone!

I hope Nintendo adds an easier way to cycle villagers out or some new feature if they make a new AC game. Thank you so much ! :D I'll keep at it!
I said on another post not too long ago, but in my own personal experience, yes, this works the majority of the time.

Sometimes it takes a few attempts/unwanted pings (such as with Anicotti), but thus far it's worked really well. If I've already spoken to them, I usually introduce a new character to them and then ignore them completely.
I'm doing this with Whitney, and I am so mad at her right now :mad: I ended up sending her a letter saying she sucks (I'm a horrible person, aren't I?)
People have had varying responses on this, and it is a disputed topic. It's possible, as I've done it twice successfully, but I truly don't know a clear-cut, yes/no answer.

Hmmm ;-; I'm hoping it works for me or I'll have to go back to befriending D:

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I said on another post not too long ago, but in my own personal experience, yes, this works the majority of the time.

Sometimes it takes a few attempts/unwanted pings (such as with Anicotti), but thus far it's worked really well. If I've already spoken to them, I usually introduce a new character to them and then ignore them completely.

That's what I've been doing, and I've gone through a whole month of tt and no luck still ;-; I hope it works for me soon!

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I'm doing this with Whitney, and I am so mad at her right now :mad: I ended up sending her a letter saying she sucks (I'm a horrible person, aren't I?)

aww xD everyone has that villager they despise. for me, it's savannah and sally ;-; I don't need 4 normal villagers in my town ugh!
I think it's pretty random.

I had Groucho move in and I only talked to him once and then after like a week or two, he moved. But I've also had dreamies and stuff move so like most people have said just now, I think it's pretty random.
From my experience, ignoring them (along with copious amounts of net swings...) might increase the chances of them moving, but decrease the chance of them pinging you.

And of course if youre not on good terms with them, the dreaded "Lets be better friends instead!" pops up with more frequency
I think it's pretty random.

I had Groucho move in and I only talked to him once and then after like a week or two, he moved. But I've also had dreamies and stuff move so like most people have said just now, I think it's pretty random.

it might be! I guess it's randomized somehow :/

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From my experience, ignoring them (along with copious amounts of net swings...) might increase the chances of them moving, but decrease the chance of them pinging you.

And of course if youre not on good terms with them, the dreaded "Lets be better friends instead!" pops up with more frequency
I've read that hitting them with the net can put them in the befriending category! who knows if that's true tho!

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AND UPDATE!! On my alternate character where I only introduced myself to Savannah and Sally I tt to a new day and walked in front of Savannah. She pinged me and wanted to move! I guess this method may not work all the time but hooray it worked for me!
From my experience I had with Walker, I didn't introduce myself when he officially moved into my town (I made a TT mistake and I was angry so I ignored him lol) The next day in real life he pinged and told me he was thinking about moving, BUT the thing was I TTed because I got Beau from someone the same day. So I'm assuming I TTed 3 days forward? (I hope that doesn't sound confusing)
When Flo moved into my town (TT mistake again) she never pinged me until I had Diana move in. Overall these villagers never moved out unless another villager moved in and don't introduce yourself when they move in of course. Hitting them with the net or sending them mean letters and such won't help them move out. Hopefully this helps! :)
I think it's pretty random tbh. I've sometimes had luck with ignoring them (like when I wanted Victoria or Walt out for moving in awful spots) but at other times it just doesn't work (WHY HARRY). I've had more or less 50/50 success with either ignoring them or befriending them so I think it's just randomly determined. The one thing I've noticed in my town though is that many snooties ask to leave A LOT but that's about it.
Usually, yes. But make sure even when you are ignoring them to walk out in front of them. There is a chance they'll ping you and tell you about them moving. Other than that, I would just insult them until they leave. XD

Villagers won't ping if you haven't talked to them in a while.

In my experience, no, ignoring them does not help make them move. Villagers move randomly, so I think it's important to talk to all of them for rumors (villager rumors tell who's moving or if no one is).
for me, ignoring hasn't worked very well. I ignored Hans for a month without any ping or anything. But after I decided to befriend him, he moved away after like 2 more weeks. It's pretty easy to just talk to them and carry out their requests. It seems villagers always ping you to move when you're close to them, so it's the most consistent way imo.
I dont think so...
Ive tried that method a couple times and its worked successfully maybe once.

Ive had a case where it wasnt until i made an effort to talk to a villager that he decided to move.

So i dont really know? Im guessing its randomized
I really don't believe in the ignore method.I think it's random.If the villager you ignored wants to move, I believe you were lucky and they were gonna move anyway.Hitting with a net doesn't work either.Sending hate mail doesn't work.They don't know your being is just what I believe after playing almost daily for over a year.