Does your partner play...?

Nope. My ex (who I was still with at the time of the game’s launch) got my old Switch after we split on a new Switch (the one I still have) but he never had any interest in an open free cutesy casual type of game like Animal Crossing.

My current boyfriend doesn’t have a Switch and doesn’t even play modern games in general (he mostly plays Super Nintendo which I love but I also play new stuff too). So I don’t see that happening.

I do have friends who play. Though we don’t live overly close for visiting in person due to pandemic reasons and I don’t have a best friend... well not anymore sadly but I’ll spare you the details there.
My husband is a gamer but doesn't play animal crossing he has a house on my island and helps me collect bugs and fish :)
Me and my partner started our island together.

Although I'm the island rep and de facto museum benefactor, she is the groundskeeper and florist of the island.
my boyfriend doesn't have a switch and isn't interested in it (he does enjoy playstation though.....lame lol)
that being said, I would never let him have a character on my island, I would be too scared he's messing with my stuff T^T
(like I said, my island, right?)

I do have some friends who play, but they're not as into it as I am. I did meet some great people online that I used to play a lot with! but that has also become less of a together thing, now we mostly just talk about the game and occasionally trade items/visit each other
He does play, but not nearly as much as I do. He logs on to send me stuff occasionally, or talk to Bella who is his favorite character. He doesn't do any terraforming or waterscaping but he's very happy with his resort-type island and will occasionally log on to work on it, or will log on to decorate for holidays.
my husband plays 🥰 he has his own switch/island, and while he doesn't play very consistently he really likes terraforming/decorating and interacting with his villagers when he does. his terraforming is very intricate & ambitious and i love seeing what he comes up with when he plays. his overall aesthetic is much different than mine; dark & elegant vs my colourful & simple so it's also fun and refreshing when i get to visit. since i play a lot + have access to basically every in-game item/material/etc i get to spoil him by giving him whatever he needs for any project he starts. he hates the idea of trading with strangers so it works out much better this way. he also really loves his villagers; his favourites being ankha, merry, skye, and rodeo. he always makes sure i chat with each of them whenever i visit his island. we don't play together too much since there's not a lot to do in multiplayer at the moment but it's still fun. we share a lot of interests/hobbies; it's great <3
My boyfriend plays ACNH and is the one who got me into the game :) He bought the game and switch when the game was released. I definitely play more often than he does though.
I am so jealous! Mine doesn't.

I have to take pics of my partner in his Animal Crossing life (on my island) doing stuff he does IRL but change it up a bit. He thinks they are hilarious. It has been great but my favorite was giving him gifts for Christmas and imagining how he'd react to them. Like I got him a shirt I knew he wouldn't like and he looked very bleh about it. His house looks like his IRL apartment and he has a garden, too.

EDIT: P.S. My partner hasn't played a game since Pitfall and thinks when you die and lose a life it is called "losing your man." So he is totally paranoid that he will "lose his man," even in ACNH. 😂
my boyfriend's not really into aesthetic games like acnh, but he knows i love the franchise, so he bought a switch around when acnh came out so he could play with me (he of course got other games that he now plays more frequently, but the thought still counts!). it was really nice to be able to introduce him to animal crossing though :^)
No partner but I do occasionally play with my son which is fun. I have a few online friends and it is always special when we get to play together. I think that is the nicest thing about animal crossing and tbt. There are so many lovely people around and it is just the best way to spend time chatting with friends old and new 💜
AC isn't the greatest for playing together but every now and then if I have a really tedious task like digging up flowers or terraforming, I will ask him to do it for me haha
Don't have a partner, but my friends stopped playing since last year. They said they'll be interested to play again when cooking and/or farming is added into the game .
Yup she plays but not often.
(lol at me having a partner)

I don't have a partner, and nobody in my family plays (my sister is/was interested in NH, though she doesn't have her own Switch and would rather have her own island than share). Some of my friends play the game still, not as many as there were when the game came out but, eh, what can you do.
Of my partners (I'm polyamorous so multiple partners), only one has a switch and plays, and the other two don't have any interest in the game. The bf who plays has a birthday soon, so I'm working on getting him his favorite villager, Kabuki, as an amiibo card.
My bf thinks its cute and such but really doesnt care enough to buy himself a switcha and a copy of NH. He is a gamer but prefers shooter games and quests and such. Doesnt bother me much though :D