Selling Done

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I know that I keep changing the topic title and prices, but I am desperate.

I’m also okay if someone buys my stock only for reselling. I just want to have enough TBT to buy a Pumpkin Glow Wand and have over 1,000 TBT left over.
The bat potion or indigo mush lamp is free if you buy the will-of-the-wisp egg. But the will-of-the-wisp egg isn’t free.

Or if you pay me 1,600 TBT, you can have all three of these collectibles for sale, including the new green moon jelly I just acquired.
Yes, if you spend 1.3k TBT, you can have them all. But if you spend 1.3k TBT on just one, I’ll give the other two away for free.

If I’m doing my math right, that should isolate the letters that spell “BUMP”.
Hello, if the green moon jelly really is for free, I would love to give it a new home with me. 😌 Thanks if ever.
Moon jelly is sent.

By the way, I finally got the Pumpkin Glow Wand, and that’s the second line-up completed. All I have left is to sell what I got. And there won’t be any discounts, sorry.
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