Dont give Nooky anything

madison_of_townsvil said:
Dr. Keko said:
OKEY DOKEY. I will not give anything to nooky. ^_^

But cornymikey shouldn't have let him take it in the first place. ;o
cornymike dropped it for me,cuz i paid for it,nooky ran in and took it and tried to leave
Well you could have just reset. :/
Do you think if I gave the person a pikmin hat who got there item stole from Nooky everything will be ok? I don't have that much money. :brrrr:
Nooky seriously stop making stuff up people know what is right from wrong next time maybe i should come to your town i know a way to block people out from leaving but reseting there could be the risk of resetti and Nooky we all know you did it they are not Rumors i can tell trust me people sensed you were acting a little weird so just give up ever come to My town i just boot you! and Corny here is a thought try to go outside and drop it quickly anyhow i need to hear how he got in anyway guys
AC guy said:
Nooky seriously stop making stuff up people know what is right from wrong next time maybe i should come to your town i know a way to block people out from leaving but reseting there could be the risk of resetti and Nooky we all know you did it they are not Rumors i can tell trust me people sensed you were acting a little weird so just give up ever come to My town i just boot you! and Corny here is a thought try to go outside and drop it quickly anyhow i need to hear how he got in anyway guys
well i added him a while ago.He just walked in and i never knew he would do that.Everyone was in my town.

And i give you a high five!
madison_of_townsvil said:
yup.too bad your 3 people to back you up werent there.Maybe the only reason you never stole from them is because there not stupid.
That's what I was thinking. How can they back him up when they were never there?