Here goes *cracks knuckles*Palad said:[n,Dec 28 2008, 08:36:44 PM]nooky = removed
Btw, i read the first page, and i dont feel like reading the other 8...
just a buncha spam...
can anyone sum it up for me
*Insert epic typing music here*
Madison here is claiming that Nooky stole something expensive from CorneyMikey.
She later reveals that Nooky took 32K from Mikey
I mentioned that Nooky offered me,TravisTouchdown, and coffeebean! 10K to add him to our roster.
Dr. Keko said that Mikey should've reset the game.
Then some guy claims that Nooky tried to steal from him. TWICE
Nooky comes along and denies everything.
Others pile hate and anger on Nooky.
Some remove Nooky from their Friends List.
Others convince Nooky to return the money he stole.
Paladin reads the thread, removes Nooky from Friends List and asks for a summary.
TravisTouchdown writes a summary.
*Note: The order and not the truth of the events might not be 100% accurate.