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Don't run through my flowers!!!

I'm a little more forgiving when it comes to things like that. I don't know, I guess I just don't take this game so seriously. The flowers are pretty much infinite (if I feel like I need more, I go on island tours and steal them from there! :p) and even if somebody does something in my town I really wish they hadn't, I just ask them not to do it again. You have to take into consideration that there are a LOT of people playing this game, using the online town-visiting feature, and not knowing what's considered polite or considerate on this game. The best way you can prevent these things from happening is explaining to them why you don't wish for them to run in your town beforehand.
Before connecting with people, maybe they should look up whats usually considered good manners when in someone else's town? Especially if they haven't connected with anyone before. Not knowing what people usually think to be polite can ruin someone's game.
Personally I think it's kind of annoying to expect people not to run or to think that running is somehow a rude thing to do. If somebody told me not to run, I'd be respectful but I probably wouldn't be too keen to play with them again in future.

My rule of thumb would be if it looks like the person has carefully placed flowers in their town then I'll make sure not to run when I'm in or close to that area (or if it's a heavily flowered town I won't run at all)

If the flowers are just sparse all over the place (like when you first create the town) I think it's ok to run around, but still being careful not to run into any flowers. (but maybe a little less careful than if I was in a flower garden)

It's not rude to run, it's rude to run in an area that is so obviously important to the person who owns the town.

I don't think there's really a black and white area with this, you just need to use your head.
I've been trying not to do this lately, but all the towns I visit have no paths and flowers at completely random spots. Gotten a lot better, though, hopefully. xD;

Just don?t run then lol, even walk speed is pretty fast. :p
Uuuuhhhh.... if someone runs through your flowers can't you just flick the wireless on and off which would create an error, thus making none of what happened save? I know whenever I get a wifi error, none of what I did seems like it happened...
Uuuuhhhh.... if someone runs through your flowers can't you just flick the wireless on and off which would create an error, thus making none of what happened save? I know whenever I get a wifi error, none of what I did seems like it happened...

Which would be good, but if you got stuff during said Wi-Fi session that you want to keep, then maybe that would be a bad idea.
Which would be good, but if you got stuff during said Wi-Fi session that you want to keep, then maybe that would be a bad idea.

Depends how bad the damage is... plus if the person wanted to trade too, then they'd be losing that item too (unless it was a freebie). If they really want to trade you can just go to their town since they don't know etiquette.

"Hey I got an error, let's try in your town."



If you mean like.... you caught a shark during the session, well I'd rather lose money than lose hybrid flowers since money isn't that hard to make in this game. .__. Just imo.
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I wish that flowers were grief proof... and that they couldn't just be picked up by other players that were visitting your town. People steal/trash my flowers all of the tim :/
I wish that flowers were grief proof... and that they couldn't just be picked up by other players that were visitting your town. People steal/trash my flowers all of the tim :/

X_X I'm glad only my friends visit my towns then... It's scary to think people would actually steal your flowers when you're not looking. Luckily I've never had missing flowers.
Personally I think it's kind of annoying to expect people not to run or to think that running is somehow a rude thing to do. If somebody told me not to run, I'd be respectful but I probably wouldn't be too keen to play with them again in future.

My rule of thumb would be if it looks like the person has carefully placed flowers in their town then I'll make sure not to run when I'm in or close to that area (or if it's a heavily flowered town I won't run at all)

If the flowers are just sparse all over the place (like when you first create the town) I think it's ok to run around, but still being careful not to run into any flowers. (but maybe a little less careful than if I was in a flower garden)

It's not rude to run, it's rude to run in an area that is so obviously important to the person who owns the town.

I don't think there's really a black and white area with this, you just need to use your head.

Actually... If New Leaf is anything like the older games, it would be rude to run even if the player has no flowers in their town. Running not only destroys flowers, but makes grass deteriorate faster, which makes the town look really ugly.

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X_X I'm glad only my friends visit my towns then... It's scary to think people would actually steal your flowers when you're not looking. Luckily I've never had missing flowers.
I've had friends that have stolen my pink hybrids... :/ as in people that I actually know outside of the game.
Well I usually play with one friend and we both make sure we are careful. If either of us kill each others flowers we go crazy. But, it has gotten to the point that we are both so familiar with our towns we can run about!
I haven't had any people take my flowers, but I haven't had that many people over in my town. If someone where to take my hybrids/perfect fruit without my permission, I'd flip the wi-fi switch and ban the person from my friends list, because that's not acceptable. If I caught someone running once, I would warn them because perhaps they didn't know, but if they continued, I'd flip the switch and remove them. If it sounds a bit harsh, it's only because I care about my town!
I haven't had any people take my flowers, but I haven't had that many people over in my town. If someone where to take my hybrids/perfect fruit without my permission, I'd flip the wi-fi switch and ban the person from my friends list, because that's not acceptable. If I caught someone running once, I would warn them because perhaps they didn't know, but if they continued, I'd flip the switch and remove them. If it sounds a bit harsh, it's only because I care about my town!

Naw, that sounds perfectly reasonable to me. o-o
An easy way to deal with griefers is to turn off your wifi. After they disconnect you are returned to the point right before you opened your gate (although the time has changed) and all of the stuff you got while wifiing will be gone. But hey, it's worth it if they bought something too! Then they don't get it hahaha.

Someone picked my dead flowers after I had watered them -_- I just turned off the wifi, made a note to myself of who it was and deleted them off my friends list.
I have the same problem. Even when I tell people not to run in my town, THEY DO IT ANYWAY. Like did you not see what I just typed? And then I tell them again, and THEY STILL RUN. Flowers aren't the only reason I don't want people to run; I don't want my grass to deteriorate. Some people are just really disrespectful -_- Most of my friends I added are from Belltree, so I didn't think I'd have any problems, but I was wrong.
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I have the same problem. Even when I tell people not to run in my town, THEY DO IT ANYWAY. Like did you not see what I just typed? And then I tell them again, and THEY STILL RUN. Flowers aren't the only reason I don't want people to run; I don't want my grass to deteriorate. Some people are just really disrespectful -_- Most of my friends I added are from Belltree, so I didn't think I'd have any problems, but I was wrong.

Same here.

In the next game, visitors shouldn't be able to destroy your flowers or trees. I mean, that's just common sense...
Apart from running and destroying your flowers and making your grass deteriorate faster (that is with warnings not to run) SOME OF THEM START CHOPPING YOUR TREES DOWN... :mad:
Before I open my gate, I pick all of my fruit and put it in retail, you want it you pay for it because I have had people just pick fruit and leave not even say hello or anything, and I also started flipping the switch on people and make sure not to do anything important while having visitors, now I don't have a problem with trees or flowers...yet smh

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But there is the dream suite now...random people will now now only get the dream code, dream suite prevents this however u can't trade or play games but it's a start
Personally I think it's kind of annoying to expect people not to run or to think that running is somehow a rude thing to do. If somebody told me not to run, I'd be respectful but I probably wouldn't be too keen to play with them again in future.

My rule of thumb would be if it looks like the person has carefully placed flowers in their town then I'll make sure not to run when I'm in or close to that area (or if it's a heavily flowered town I won't run at all)

If the flowers are just sparse all over the place (like when you first create the town) I think it's ok to run around, but still being careful not to run into any flowers. (but maybe a little less careful than if I was in a flower garden)

It's not rude to run, it's rude to run in an area that is so obviously important to the person who owns the town.

I don't think there's really a black and white area with this, you just need to use your head.

It is rude to run thru people's towns because it causes the grass to die and some people don't like all the brown dirt showing.