Trading Dream Isle's Nook Mile Trading!

Oh I didn’t realize! May I just get another streetlamp? :)
Sure! I will order another! ^w^
I will send you a PM in just a few minutes!

Hello :) Is the list of what you're after updated as I'd love to trade with you
I update it after every trade!
So I may have people offering to give me an item on my list, but we haven't made the trade yet.
What did you have to offer? :)
I can trade these items
Lifeguard chair red and yellow
Green street lamp
Portable toilets yellow-green and red
Drink machine white
Tourist telescope green and white
Playground gym red and green
Monster Statue red
Teacup ride cool
Phone box green

I'm looking for these
Construction Sign (Big Bro)
Lifeguard Chair (Green)
Portable Toilet (Gray)
Public Bench (Blue & Yellow)
Tourist Telescope (Blue)
Phone Box (Yellow)
Cotton-Candy Stall (Pink)
Playground Gym (Blue)
Parabolic Antenna (Red Logo)
Lighthouse (Grey)
Pool (White

If my maths is correct, it should be an equal trade if you still need all those :)
I can trade these items
Lifeguard chair red and yellow 2000
Green street lamp 1000
Portable toilets yellow-green and red 2000
Drink machine white 200
Tourist telescope green and white 4000
Playground gym red and green 6000
Monster Statue red 5000
Teacup ride cool 5000
Phone box green 2400

I'm looking for these
Construction Sign (Big Bro) 1000
Lifeguard Chair (Green) 1000
Portable Toilet (Gray) 1000
Public Bench (Blue & Yellow) 2000
Tourist Telescope (Blue) 2000
Phone Box (Yellow) 2400
Cotton-Candy Stall (Pink) 3000
Playground Gym (Blue) 3000
Parabolic Antenna (Red Logo) 4000
Lighthouse (Grey) 5000
Pool (White 5000

If my maths is correct, it should be an equal trade if you still need all those :)
Yes! I do need all of those! :)
I will have to collect some Nook Miles as right now I don't have enough to trade all of those items currently.
And yes, it looks like it will be an even trade! ^w^
Would you be willing to wait just a bit so I could collect the Nook Miles?
Yes! I do need all of those! :)
I will have to collect some Nook Miles as right now I don't have enough to trade all of those items currently.
And yes, it looks like it will be an even trade! ^w^
Would you be willing to wait just a bit so I could collect the Nook Miles?

Oh brilliant! Yes that's no problem. I've put all the items aside for you so just send me a message when you're ready :)
I have:
Portable Toilet (Mint
Construction Sign (Construction Warning
Lifeguard Chair ( White
Streetlamp (Black
Drink Machine (Blue
Public Bench (Green
Snack Machine (Red
Springy Ride-On (Pink
Tourist Telescope (Black
Park Clock (White
Phone Box (Red
Cotton-candy Stall (Blue)
Playground (Monotone
Parabolic Antenna (Green Logo
Solar Panel (Blue)
Lighthouse (RED
Monster Statue (Blue
Pool (brown
Teacup (Pastel

and I'd like to trade
Cotton-Candy Stall (Pink)
Pool (White)
Springy Ride-On (Zebra)
plus NMT for rest
Hiya! 😁 I've got a green public bench and little bro sign, can I trade them for a yellow phone box?
Hiya! 😁 I've got a green public bench and little bro sign, can I trade them for a yellow phone box?
Sure can! I can even do 1 NMT for it too if you would like. :)
I'll go ahead and order it, let me know when you will be free to trade, I will TT. :)
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Sounds great, and I don't mind the miles so no need for a NMT! I can trade in about 20 minutes, I'll send you a DM with a dodo code 😁
Absolutely! :D

edit: I'm usually on a bit earlier than this, but if not, I'll definitely be around this time tomorrow!
I'm usually on earlier than this too. I just opened this up pretty late tonight. haha.
I will send you a PM tomorrow when I am online. :)
Post automatically merged:

I have Green street lamp I’m interested in white pool
The pool is 5,000 NMs and the Lamp is 1,000, did you have anything else on my list to fill the gap? If not I will take 2 NMTs. :)
Hi! Do you still need a yellow lighthouse? If so, I could purchase one for you :) Could I exchange it for your white pool?