Last night, I had a dream about some Skylanders game. Two main characters stuck out in said dream: a feminine humanoid with electric powers and a black, bird like creature with something to do with tomahawks. I though this was great, and it kind of reminds me of a past dream also regarding Skylanders with a ‘lander who hides in a box and another ‘lander who was identified as “Captain Ace” with a pilot/Air Force member design and a female appearance.
I’m not gonna go into much detail, but I have dreams almost every single night (I blame my overactive imagination), and they’re all really weird. There’s always some sort of fantastical element, something that happens that I’m scared to death of, and involving people I’m close with (or used to be). That or it occasionally feels so real but it was also so scary and it makes me anxious for weeks. I’d explain my most recent one, but I don’t even understand it.