Who appears in your dreams?

Everyone. People I know, people I've seen a few times, people I saw on the street, people I've never met, people from TV shows, people from animes, people I've seen pics of, people from books. Basically, anyone imaginable. I can never remember dreams, but I do remember who was in it, a fair amount of the time.
Pretty much whoever was on my mind recently— family, friends, celebrities, characters. OH and definitely celebrities I’m attracted to hehehe…but it’s never that kind of dream…they just randomly appear in the background or say something nonsensical to me.
Loved ones, but also completely random people I went to school with like 10 years ago. Every now and then there will be a defined character that doesn't exist in real life. It's kinda cool, like hey, free OC i guess XD The rest are just vague extras, filler people that i couldn't describe for my life.