Can I enter for Merengue? Last mintue entry!
Added you to the list. You are number 14.
Auction is now closed.
- - - Post Merge - - -
The Merengue Raffle is now closed. The list of entries are:
1. Bon
2. xnancyxkillzx
3. GunsoverBeauty
4. peloto5
5. coffeeAddict
6. orchidPixie
7. nuffle
8. iiecrossing
9. Eefi
10. TruexGentleman
11. Cheddarcat
12. aspartameAcatalepsy
13. Junko
14. Stinaxsays
I will be using a randomizing site. The number will need to come up 3 times. This will take a few minutes to do. I will announce the winner shortly.
Good-Luck everyone!!
- - - Post Merge - - -
The winner for Merengue is Number 13-Junko
Congratulations! I will send a pm shortly.
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