Cycling Dustygirl's Cycling:Peggy the Peppy Pig

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Actually, I don't think I'll be able to be on at 11pm so please remove me from the raffle. Sorry for any inconvenience! D:
1. Hazumi
2. Momographs
3. LadyScion
4. Effy
5. Sabbyy

All the above have been entered.
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The winner is Effy! Please add my FC and give me your FC. Once confirmed I will open my gates and you can come and pick up Stitches.

Thanks to everyone who entered.
Merengue is in boxes and looking for a new home. To be fair and give everyone a chance for her, I am having a raffle. Raffle will end tonight at 10 pm est. You must have an open spot for her. If less then 10 people enter all names will be put in a hat and my son will pull the winner. If more then 10 entries, I will use a randomizing site to chose the winner. To entry just post on this thread.
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Awe! Good luck everyone!!! Luv her. She and bunnie are my only me-keepers in my holding town : )
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