Shop Dusty's Extra Steam Games - Requests are closed atm. :c

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^ Depends on how much it is at the time. With requests I go by about 300 TBT per $1 value.

The lowest it's been so far is $7.50, which would be about 2,200 TBT.

But it might still go lower during the big sale between the 11th and the 20th, which is why all requests are on hold until then. c;
Welp, now we can add 8 more popular Indie games to the spreadsheet that will never get updated at this rate.

World of Goo

Super Meat Boy

Dustforce DX

Dungeon Defenders + All DLC



Risk of Rain

Would you recommend any of those games? I already own Risk of Rain, but I feel like I'm not very good at platformers lol. Then again I've barely played any so I'm not sure.
Would you recommend any of those games? I already own Risk of Rain, but I feel like I'm not very good at platformers lol. Then again I've barely played any so I'm not sure.

In that case, I would not suggest Super Meat Boy or Dustforce, lol. LIMBO, too, is a "death is everywhere" kind of game.
Honestly, all of these games are highly recommended in general -- they're all known for being really good indie games. It just depends on what you're looking for.

Braid is renowned for its story, which is a huge accomplishment for a puzzle-platformer game, if I do say so myself. It features a time manipulation mechanic - if you mess up a jump, you can rewind and try again. On that note, it'd probably be considered more of a 'casual' platformer overall, so it might be worth looking into if you feel like you suck at platformers, lol.
It was recommended to me for years, and funny enough I finally bought it on sale a few days ago.. and now I have a duplicate. lol.

Dungeon Defenders is one of the games that my boyfriend and I play together, it's a really fun tower defense game. I'm not a huge fan of the genre, but I love it, lol. Although I'm not sure I could recommend it if you don't have anyone to play it with - I've never tried it solo, only with Boyfriend.

Antichamber is an acid trip. It's also a puzzle-platformer, of sorts. At least that's what I sort of got out of it. I, personally, found it difficult to play at times because I'm partially color blind, and for a mostly monochromatic game, the colors really ****ed me up when they did happen.
Here, maybe the store page can better show off and explain that for me;
But it's not one I have enough experience with to say either way, much less to speak for someone whose cone cells are intact. :p

World of Goo is on my backlog - it's a physics-based puzzle game. Which makes it interesting to me, at least. =p
Thanks so much for the help! Would it be possible for me to reserve Dungeon Defenders for a bit? I think it's the only game that interests me, puzzles and platformers are so hard for me. :( But I need to get my boyfriends opinion on it first if the singleplayer isn't great.

I also wanted to ask if you still had Steamworld Dig for 3DS?
Thanks so much for the help! Would it be possible for me to reserve Dungeon Defenders for a bit? I think it's the only game that interests me, puzzles and platformers are so hard for me. :( But I need to get my boyfriends opinion on it first if the singleplayer isn't great.

I also wanted to ask if you still had Steamworld Dig for 3DS?

Not a problem! I can set it aside for you. :3

And yes, I do still have SteamWorld Dig.
Could I get antichamber? And I'd like to unreserve costume quest (sorry about that, I completely forgot that I had left it reserved)
Could I get antichamber? And I'd like to unreserve costume quest (sorry about that, I completely forgot that I had left it reserved)

Sure thing, I'll PM you in a moment.

And lol, I was getting ready to ask you if you still wanted it. I'll take you off the reservations list. c:

Assuming those sources were right, exciting things should begin at 1PM EST tomorrow (the 11th). c:

...I think that's the right time. It's either 1pm or 11am for us. I always forget.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Oh, and I've also decided to remove the other two reservations I had up.

I have no way to contact the person who reserved Hatoful Boyfriend, nor have I heard from them in quite awhile... Sooo
Hatoful Boyfriend is available for its previous asking price of 750 TBT

And the member who reserved Life is Strange Ep 1 hasn't even logged on for the past 3 months, so
Life is Strange Episode 1 is available for 1,200 TBT as well

I really should've done this awhile ago, but I felt bad doing it at all.. But, it's really not fair to anyone to set aside a game for someone who hasn't even been on in 3 months. :c
Ahh could I buy Hatoful Boyfriend for 750? :3

And thank you for holding it but I'm not interested in Dungeon Defenders :)
Maybe Steamworld Dig but I already have it on Steam so I need to think about it haha.
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Question, how much would you ask for 60 Seconds- ? I love Unepic but just wondering.

My rate is 300 TBT per $1 value at the time of purchase -- so if I were to buy it right now it would be 3k.

But with the super-duper sale happening tomorrow, all requests are on hold until they make a grand entrance in the summer sale. With Steam's summer and winter sales, almost every game and software available through them will be like 50% off. The two best times of the year. :v

Even 60 Seconds -- as new as it is -- is likely to see a 25-33% sale with how popular it is. c:

Ahh could I buy Hatoful Boyfriend for 750? :3

And thank you for holding it but I'm not interested in Dungeon Defenders :)
Maybe Steamworld Dig but I already have it on Steam so I need to think about it haha.

I will PM you about Hatoful Boyfriend in a moment. I did add you on Steam, right? lol. If I'm not mistaken, our last trade was via gift inventory.. and HB is also in my gift inventory. c:

You're most welcome; thank you for letting me know. :)
And I will keep it set aside for you, it's not a problem. Just don't disappear without a trace for 3 months and we're fine, lolol.
I will PM you about Hatoful Boyfriend in a moment. I did add you on Steam, right? lol. If I'm not mistaken, our last trade was via gift inventory.. and HB is also in my gift inventory. c:

You're most welcome; thank you for letting me know. :)
And I will keep it set aside for you, it's not a problem. Just don't disappear without a trace for 3 months and we're fine, lolol.

Yay great! I've wanted to play this for a while hehe. we're still Steam friends :)
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