Shop Dusty's Extra Steam Games - Requests are closed atm. :c

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^ Good morning! :3

I keep forgetting, but I have OlliOlli, Whoa Dave, and SteamWorld Dig for the 3DS. NA only.

I already redeemed everything from the Nindie bundle for my WiiU, which was probably stupid since I already have OlliOlii, SteamWorld Dig, Guacamelee, and The Fall on Steam. Maybe I'll just buy another set. :v

I dunno what I'd ask for the 3DS codes, though. Offers?

Also bump. c:
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^ lol, looks like you took care of that before I got back. Costume Quest is still reserved, I'm afraid.

Morning bump. c:
I have an announcement to make. And it's really exciting, so bold-face and big letters! :v

Steam's summer sale dates have been leaked

It will be running from June 11th to the 20th.. as far as we can trust Russian Steam.
Actually if you go look at your Badge pages, you'll notice the "Mysterious" card set at the top. It's totes the summer sale cards set.

In light of this news:
All Requests are closed until the sale begins.
Why buy it now when it'll be like 66-80% off next week? That's just silly.

If this is your first rodeo:

Requests for games that make the higher discounts -- ie, the Flash Sales and/or Community Choice Sales -- will be taken into consideration first. These are the best deals for my wallet and your ABD. :p

Nearly all of the sales will repeat on the last day. Your best bet is always to wait until the last day on regular sales -- never jump in on Day 1 unless it's a Flash Sale (or Day 2 in the case of Community Choice sales), because those always get the better discounts. But if it's at the top of the page in the 24-48 hour long sales? Wait for a better deal. c;

Obviously, as per usual, I can't afford to buy everyone's every whim, lol. But I'm sure that I am hoping to make out on this sale just as much as you guys are. ;)

Also I have more games that I need to add here.

Wii U: Bit.Trip Runner 2.

3DS: Woah Dave!, SteamWorld Dig, and OlliOlli.

I still dunno what to ask for them, so just.. offer. D:

I also have Bastion. It was requested a few weeks ago, I bought it for $10 and the person who requested said the 3k was too expensive, and then never got back to me on whether I could resell it here or not.
So I'm reselling it here. Bastion for 3k. :v

And there will be 13 more Steam games to add to the spreadsheet, either later this evening or tomorrow morning.


Guns n Zombies

Kraven Manor

Montague's Mount

The Samaritan Paradox

Blades of Time Limited Edition

Lost Chronicles of Zerzura

Fine Sweeper

Tiamat X

Lilly and Sasha: Nexus of Souls

Fort Defense

Portal of Evil


Now back to your regular scheduled programming.

So I just started summer and I am looking for a fun game to last me a while, you got any suggestions?

Apologies for the long delay, but I can't recommend without knowing your tastes, lol.

What kind of game are you looking for? Any genre in mind?

can i get Bardbarian?

Of course. c:
I've set it aside for you, PM whenever you're ready.
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Wow those are some big announcements! I am a not very coordinated and horror is ok but makes me really freaked for days and doesn't float well with sleeping a life, I am looking for something fun and has a story or something goofy and different. I really was looking for something kinda like 60 Seconds-
I don't play a lot of games but almost all my steam games are never ending and I am really looking for a story
Wow those are some big announcements! I am a not very coordinated and horror is ok but makes me really freaked for days and doesn't float well with sleeping a life, I am looking for something fun and has a story or something goofy and different. I really was looking for something kinda like 60 Seconds-
I don't play a lot of games but almost all my steam games are never ending and I am really looking for a story

Super big announcements and I still missed stuff, lol. I have to add Bastion, too. :v


My first thought is SanctuaryRPG. It's a modern take on old-fashioned, text-based CRPGs, with ASCII "graphics" and all.
If I were to try to explain the sheer amount of ridiculousness you encounter.. I just cannot do the game justice. So here, have a link to a really lazy screenshot, because cropping requires too many effort.
But I'm not too sure that it could qualify as story-driven, lol.

UnEpic is a "Metroidvania" that has a really silly story - but I'm not sure how much of the story leads the gameplay here, either. Multiple endings, so at least it has an ending, lol.

Ironclad Tactics is another possibility.
It's a solid turn-based, card-based strategy game - at least, I thought so. I dunno why the reviews are so mixed. x:
And the story itself unfolds in the form of a comic, which I found really interesting and charming.
Buuuuttt it is about a war, so it's not quite as goofy and silly as the previous mentions. :p

To be entirely honest, all I can think of that are really story-driven in my list are the point-and-click adventure games. Most of the other titles are short Indie games that focus more on the gameplay - like, you don't play Monaco for the hard-hitting story, lol.
But of those, Deponia and Edna & Harvey are goofy, if dark humor is your thing.
UnEpic looks really fun, thanks for going through all that for me <3 I would love to buy UnEpic :3 and maybe once the sale starts I will be back and request a game ;P
I also have Bastion. It was requested a few weeks ago, I bought it for $10 and the person who requested said the 3k was too expensive, and then never got back to me on whether I could resell it here or not.
So I'm reselling it here. Bastion for 3k. :v

I'd be interested!
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