Each Room of your House.

I'm kind of not really decorating my rooms yet until they update the room sizes which I'm almost 100% certain they'll update. I'm focusing more on the island and also events/collection aspect of the game for now. But so far I have 3 players and I have rough plans for each one. All I know is the upper floor is ALWAYS the bedroom. My Beedle character will have the shop house on the beach ans it'll be themed around Legend of Zelda of course. Then one is a haunted mansion so it'll have all dark and creepy rooms. And my main character will just have a typical house.

I've definitely combined rooms in ACNL so I assume I'll be doing a bit of that once I start decorating the houses on NH :) I just want the side rooms to be bigger!
What I’ve done to my house so far-

-Upstairs, Master Bedroom Pirate Themed Wall and Floor
-Living Room, Bamboo Tiki Theme with a crap load of plants
-Left Side Room, Mermaid themed bathroom
-Back Room, I tried to make it into a sunroom with the White Painted Wall and Floor, Shanty Mat Rug, sea creatures mobile, plenty of plants and tables to display my musical instruments
-Right Side Room, Fishy themed kitchen using the Fishing Tourney Marine Pop Wall and Rug
-Basement- Ocean Witch theme on one half and personal spa on the other using the Underwater Wall and Floor

If anyone else has more beachy things I’ll take them off your hands hahahah 🧜🏻‍♀️🧜🏻‍♂️
My main character's house is pretty much decorated like a typical house, with a living room, kitchen, bedroom etc. made out of all kind of random furniture. The only room which stands kinda out is the second floor, which is suppose to be a simple replica of the studio of a TV show I really like. It's more like a experiment, as I wasn't sure what to do with the second floor at all and I didn't wanted to stay it empty. As for the basement, I will work on it in the next days and also do something "special" out of it.

The house of my alt character is pretty much the same as the one of my main, however, I may redesign it or make a third character who's house I will use to make more unique looking rooms, rather than simple typical rooms.
The room you enter into is a living room of sorts, although I'm not very happy with it. The little room to the left is a kitchen with dining table, the room to the right is a bathroom, and the backroom is my original bedroom, which I've left as a "guest room". The upstairs is the master bedroom and the downstairs is a rumpus room.
My house is pretty standard as far as concepts and interior design goes, but to me it really does feel like a home I would love to live in ^^
Maybe I’ll edit my post to show them once I get around to take pictures and saved it on my phone!
•Entrance is the living room with television and couch, stereo, a nice green rug over the wooden floor to match the wallpaper, and a few plants to make it a bit more homely for me.
•Left is a reading / studying room with a few books and has more plants to make it have a more comfortable vibe to it.
•Right room is the kitchen with dining tables, chairs, and refrigerator so there is little room to roam around but nothing that would be more annoying than anything else.
•The back room is the bathroom / laundry room - which works for me surprisingly since I thought it would look off or unbalanced in a way.
•The upstairs is my bedroom; it has that East Asian themed going for it minus the Gemini closet along with a wall television and a switch but for the most part it works fine for my taste.
•Basement is a bit...different. It has a outdoor / meadow look to it with a bed, closet, and some toys like a teddy bear enjoying a picnic, a pair of black and white dolls near a dollhouse, and a table with heart shaped bouquets and rings on a table. This room is more of a joke as I wanted to create a “family” or “play house” room to tease my boyfriend so I don’t count it as an actual room to my house ^^;

Main Room
This room is my basic "home" room. Very casual.


Left Room
No music
Peaceful fishing pier. Only room with the lights on.


Right Room
K.K. Safari
Spooky jungle room.


Back Room
K.K. Adventure
My office. I am definitely not spying on all of my neighbors from here.


K.K. Technopop
Stylish high-rise apartment in the big city.


K.K. Milonga
My not-shady movie studio. Definitely nothing immoral going on here.
My house on Muir Wood is very focused on function and a clean aesthetic, so while I really do like mermaid furniture and the idea of a secret basement lab, I've scrapped those.

The main room / foyer:

Small side room 1, for entertaining guests!

Small back room, the kitchen.

Other small side room, the office:

My upstairs room -- a little studio apartment for my character, as well as the only bathroom in the house :') I just can't seem to justify spending an entire room on a bathroom.

And the basement -- a library, hangout spot, and the villager photo collection!

Meanwhile, on my second island, Inverness, I'm trying really hard to keep my house to one room:

Unsure where my character uses the bathroom, on this one.
my main room is my living room, and then from left to right my side rooms are a bathroom, kitchen, and ‘study’/office I guess. upstairs is bedroom and downstairs is like a hangout room I guess? it’s got a bed, but also it’s got a bunch of instruments for a ‘band’ to practice and hang out. I also keep all my villager pictures down there
I often change around the rooms in my house but currently:
  • main room - a living room and study, it's quite a light room with mostly cream furniture and some pale pink touches
  • left room - a blue and black themed bedroom with a pet tuna, usually the room I visit dream addresses from
  • back room - this room is currently also a blue and black themed bedroom (using different furniture) with a pet mahi mahi, it was previously a winter bedroom with the frozen furniture though I'm considering changing it to a bathroom for now and changing it back to a bedroom in a couple of months with a summer theme
  • right room - a kitchen with a dark wood theme, with a few bright appliances thrown in for colour, the table is waiting for the pi pie to be added to it when its released
  • upstairs - the main bedroom with a separate area for the bathroom, it has brown and gold theme and a few plants for some greenery
  • downstairs - another lounge with a slight blue/underwater theme, it has a switch and pinball machine for gaming and a popcorn machine for a snack, this is also the room where I keep villager photos





Main Room:Living Room
Right Room: Kitchen
Back Room: Bathroom
Left room: Sewing Room
Upstairs: cozy bedroom
Basement: Seasonal room, so right now it's a Valentine's Day dinner next month it'll be a st.patrick's pub
I... Haven't changed my house in eons.

Main room is trash. It's got my original cot that was in my tent, and just some random crap strewn about, as well as some minor feng shui going on. Music is on shuffle.

Left room is a garage. It's super cute. I have K.K. Mariachi playing cuz my dad always changes our cars' radios to the Spanish/mariachi channel as a joke.

Back room is like an indoor garden/greenhouse thing? I don't care for it anymore but I'm too lazy to change. I think K.K. Ballad is playing.

Right room is a DnD themed room, although it kinda sucks. K.K. Comrade can be heard.

Basement is randomly like a forest expedition or something.

Upstairs is my favorite. It's like a little lounge/fancy restaurant, with one single table and a little kitchen, as well as live music by a harp and a cute fireplace. K.K. Drivin' is the best fit here.
Here is a list of my rooms, I have plans for all of them except my basement! I might make some sort of underwater viewing room but idk yet

main room- living room + kitchen
left room- bathroom
back room- bedroom
right room- dining room
upstairs- balcony w ocean view (my house is by the beach)
basement- ????
In past games I always just put one furniture series in each room. This time I wanted to do a real house interior. My main room is a
Cozy library/livingroom cause I love to read. The room to the right is a laundry room(with crafting table and wardrobe for quick access), middle is the kitchen and on the left is the bathroom. Upstairs is the bedroom and the basement is a game room. This took me a long time to do but I really like how it turned out.
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Main room is living room/kitchen.
Right room is bathroom/laundry
Back room is my bedroom
Left room is a study
Upstairs is a radio/recording studio
Basement is a the base of our underground expedition, currently only open to Blathers and I.
My main room is a living/dining room space, the small room to the left is my kitchen, to the right is the bathroom. The back room is my bedroom, both upstairs and downstairs are sitting room/ multipurpose rooms. Downstairs has a piano and antique sewing machine while the other has a woodstove, jukebox, stereo and some other musical things.
My house is part of the story of my island, so some of it isn't very typical for home decor. It's supposed to be a chapel for sailors, so the main house is a lobby, the basement is the shrine area, the backroom is another story/shrine area, I have a kitchen in the side room, a greenhouse (my favorite room) in the right room, and a combo bathroom/bedroom on the top.

Main room: lounge/den (finished)

Left room: an interesting bedroom (not permanent)
Right room: bathroom (finished/minor tweaking)

Back room: cult room (wip)

Top floor: cartographer room (finished)

Basement: kitchen (wip)
Main room is my living room, pink themed.
The room to the left is the bathroom, the one the farthest is a "music" room with a piano near a fireplace. The right one is my kitchen.
Upstairs is my bedroom, and I don't remember what I did in the basement at all omg. I must have put a rare item and some turnip there months ago.