Earning spores

I haven't noticed any cooldown yet. But that might be bc i don't have many sauteed shrooms to begin with
I haven't noticed any cooldown yet. But that might be bc i don't have many sauteed shrooms to begin with
I think only certain activities have cool downs. I have not noticed a cool down for posting, but the other activities all seem to have limits with cool down times of either 12 or 24 hours. Well I guess I don’t know about the dangerous spores cuz I haven’t tried making more than one new thread in 24 hours, but I assume that might have a cool down
I've just been doing profile views, thread views, voting, then posting in that order. It's been on the easier end which I'm so thankful for since the objectives are daily.
today’s my day off and I forgot how early 9 is my time. Gotta cram these last few posts on so I can get enough mushrooms for the collectibles I want, haha.
thank you for this!! I would've kept assuming profile posts and reactions got spores and then been confused why my amount wasn't going up
I think I've only been posting so far, will try some of these other methods out! am always so last minute with my spore collecting
I've been pretty much just posting when I have time throughout the day. Haven't noticed any posting cooldowns, so it's been pretty easy to get enough spores for 10 shrooms.
Yeah it can take a bit of time but as long as you are generally active and participating in the forums for a decent little bit each day it’s not too hard to earn what is needed for a full mushroom lineup.
I think the Purple Spores cooldown might be shorter (maybe 12 hours-ish?); there's been a few times this event where I stopped earning them and got more again later in the same spore collecting period. Last night I also made the mistake of browsing TBT while I was waiting for the turnover, and was already on cooldown for Purple Spores by the time the spores reset and couldn't earn any ;u; But I'm earning them again now thankfully!
I think the Purple Spores cooldown might be shorter (maybe 12 hours-ish?); there's been a few times this event where I stopped earning them and got more again later in the same spore collecting period. Last night I also made the mistake of browsing TBT while I was waiting for the turnover, and was already on cooldown for Purple Spores by the time the spores reset and couldn't earn any ;u; But I'm earning them again now thankfully!
Yes it definitely seems like it changed to 12 hours a few days ago, I’ve been trying to be really careful about when I go on for that reason
It's definitely a nice thread to have, because sometimes I just get so confused on what could be better to post in or for how long.
I have noticed that the cool down time is a lot better on this event, which is helpful. The first couple of days I just went balls out with everything all day but now I do pretty well just getting on a couple of times a day in the morning and at night. My goal has been when I get home from work at night to get enough to get one row of foraged and then in the morning and in the afternoon, get enough for my second row. Which I’ll probably do right now ha ha ha!!!
it looks like it's gotten a lot better & easier for today, at least for me :D
instead of earning 3-5 spores per post, it looks like nearly all of my posts from today, regardless of length have earned me 10 spores.

edit: wait I checked my transaction log and it looks like I was mistaken. maybe i'm earning post spores and viewing spores at the same time? either way, it's a lot easier and I hope it continues for tomorrow.