Easter event discussion!

My catch rate is improving. I got off to a rocky start but it’s not as bad as the butterflies. Also loving the scramblers they are so cute!
luckily i don't care for all the rewards so i am not stressing it like i did for the lotte and leif events. but i am tired of gardening events.

Yay.. I finished this half in one day...good thing cause it's going to be a busy weekend!!!:D
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Yay.. I finished this half in one day...good thing cause it's going to be a busy weekend!!!:D

You are having much better luck than I am!

- - - Post Merge - - -

I’m kind of annoyed that so many of the rewards are resources and essences. I’d much rather have leaf tickets or more plant food or the best would be more special items. I’m sick of having to sell my extra resources and I’m happy with my amenities as they are so not collecting essences right now.
My catchrates on the floral scramblers aren’t very good at all. I get maybe 1 in 5. I hope they pick up soon >.<
My catchrates on the floral scramblers aren’t very good at all. I get maybe 1 in 5. I hope they pick up soon >.<
It’s really inconsistent for me; sometimes it’s dreadful like one in five and other times it’s a bit better like three in five. I seem to catch more if they are shared.
Yeah the balance of actually catching is way too uneven. Either increase the egg spawn from flowers or make it easier to catch them gdi
I can't believe this. I had a completely full garden of both kinds of scramblers and I only missed like 4 or 5! I don't know if I'm just very lucky or what.
I plant 10 pink flowers and 10 Orange flowers so I get 20 in total. Today I wake up and see that out of those 20, only 6 scramblers spawn???

I planted them at like 10 pm last night so I don't know if coming back after more than 3 hours has anything to do with it... But how am I supposed to be motivated to do this event if they're gonna do it like tHIS
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I plant 10 pink flowers and 10 Orange flowers so I get 20 in total. Today I wake up and see that out of those 20, only 6 scramblers spawn???

I planted them at like 10 pm last night so I don't know if coming back after more than 3 hours has anything to do with it... But how am I supposed to be motivated to do this event if they're gonna do it like tHIS

My spawn rate isn't good either. You should try getting them also by sharing with your friends so they share with you. Leave some flowers blooming and grow seeds in rest of spaces. I'm almost done thanks to people sharing with me.
I finished with the striped scramblers, but now I am trying to get the orange roses and there is definitely a difficulty spike. I'm sharing like 70 pink roses with random people. I only have three friends on the game and all three are sadly inactive so I'm kinda at a disadvantage here. :(
I don't understand how this works at all. I haven't the slightest clue what I'm looking for :[
Plant pink or orange heart flowers. You get the seeds from doing favors for animals (there are a few other ways). When they bloom, you’ll get scramblers on the roses. Catch them. Now, no scramblers will ever spawn from those roses again (your friends can place some there, though), so pull those flowers and repeat the cycle.

I only have three friends on the game and all three are sadly inactive so I'm kinda at a disadvantage here. :(

You should really friend anybody you come across on the four main areas. Check out their camps to see if they are active players, but friend most of them. It makes the game more fun and you will get a lot more help that way. I have almost hit my friend limit and I’m nearly done with the first half of this event. Friends keep me watered and fill out my scrambler count.
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I finished with the striped scramblers, but now I am trying to get the orange roses and there is definitely a difficulty spike. I'm sharing like 70 pink roses with random people. I only have three friends on the game and all three are sadly inactive so I'm kinda at a disadvantage here. :(

you can add me on PC if you want! i'm always active & i'll share my floral scramblers with you
I am having so much trouble catching florals. Kind people keep giving me striped but I?m overflowing with those! The florals tho are driving me crazy!
First BT Forum easter event and I have no idea what's going on....I love the clues though and am just waiting for the eggies to appear I guess

EDIT: See, I don't play Pocket Camp - so sory this post is not on topic! I didn't realise until I saw people talking about flowers
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Hit me up with some floral scramblers?😀
Please?! I stink at catching them - have missed the last 6 and I only need one more
TIA so much👍🏻
I'm sick of gardening events but at least this one is super-cute and I love Zipper, the scramblers, and the animations!

I'm so glad we can mass plant + harvest now, it's so much easier to face the repetition now than it was in the past, at least for me lol.
I'm so glad we can mass plant + harvest now, it's so much easier to face the repetition now than it was in the past, at least for me lol.

Oh man, it has made ALL the difference. I don't mind the gardening events but it was the tedium of planting and watering that got to me, especially being disabled with limited energy. Being able to plant, harvest, and water so quickly has made the entire game so much more enjoyable. When I see a friend whose garden needs watering, instead of a heavy sigh at having to go water 20 spots, it's pure happiness at being able to easily help.

And I absolutely adore the scramblers. I want them at my camp and in my RL home. XD