I came up with this idea recently while playing the game...
Since it uses Wi-Fi, I thought up a fun little Elebits Photo Contest....
Here are the rules, Every few weeks I will state an Elebit name, and the person to send me the best picture of that particular Elebit will win 400 Forum Bells, a sig add-on, and possibly more.
I will Judge your pictures like this;
1: The Elebit should be close up
2: The Elebit should be facing the camera
3: The Elebit should not be sleeping
Just send your pictures to my Wii through the Elebits game, if you don't know how to do this, or don't have me in your address book, PM me please.
Red Elebit
Okay, so all you have to do is take a photo of the Red Elebit this time!
The deadline for all Photo entries will be in about 2 weeks or so.
Since it uses Wi-Fi, I thought up a fun little Elebits Photo Contest....
Here are the rules, Every few weeks I will state an Elebit name, and the person to send me the best picture of that particular Elebit will win 400 Forum Bells, a sig add-on, and possibly more.
I will Judge your pictures like this;
1: The Elebit should be close up
2: The Elebit should be facing the camera
3: The Elebit should not be sleeping
Just send your pictures to my Wii through the Elebits game, if you don't know how to do this, or don't have me in your address book, PM me please.
Red Elebit
Okay, so all you have to do is take a photo of the Red Elebit this time!
The deadline for all Photo entries will be in about 2 weeks or so.