Elite 3

I say we hold a competion between the groups, held by someone we can trust that is not in any of the groups, and let the best group win. What is fair is fair, and so it is not biased in any way.
so dman if i get 15 members by the end of the week i become part of the elite 3 and it turns to the elite 4
do groups still get to play with people just in there group or do we become one big group
You can't stop people from starting new groups...You can't control who goes where and what they do. I myself will not be apart of any group that tries to to take down people that want to play the game and have fun...
andydrew42 said:
You can't stop people from starting new groups...You can't control who goes where and what they do. I myself will not be apart of any group that tries to to take down people that want to play the game and have fun...
Valid point
I won't vote, but I'll add my thoughts here. First of all, an alliance between the 3 groups named here will do little to stop other members forming groups. What it may do, however, is serve to alienate some of the members on this forum.
I am not a member of any group. I simply work too many odd hours and have too many other things in my life to be counted on for any events. That's a shame, because the best times I've had on Animal Crossing have been spent online with other people. This is what forming these groups is really about.
In the end, the "elite" groups will be the ones with staying power: the groups who continue to meet, week after week, month after month, as membership and leadership inevitably go through changes.
So join groups. Everyone who has the ability to do so, go join a group! Have fun and make friends. That's the point. And when all the "elite" groups are full... keep making groups. Someday, your upstart group may become the elite one.
I know that personally, I dont want the BOG to be associated with this. We shouldnt be out to "destroy" the other groups. I think the BOG's energy can be better used by helping OUR group. Not by helping ruin other groups. What makes our group so much better, is that we are kind, respectful and generous. This three points is what the group was founded on. That is why it is so elite and exclusive. Not many have what it takes to be apart of the group.

And it is because the BOG was so exclusive and hard to get into that caused all these groups to pop-up. Everyone saw all the fun we were having, and because they couldnt get in they wanted their own group experience. Anyways, I want to say that I don't support this at all. Who the hell makes YOU the one to say "Lets ruin other groups" You did the same as the rest of the groups, and made a new group because I said No when you asked to be in the BOG. Your group is no different than the newer groups, and quite frankly I dont think the BOG should be associated with this crap.