Embarrassing stories?

What to chose, what to chose! (For just a bit of info before you read this, I take Hip Hop at a dance studio and there were about 10 of us to a class at the time of this story.) In 3 or 4th grade we were learning about the different types of organisms in the world. I was really into it and started researching all kinds of stuff so I would get a good grade on my unit test. Later that night, at the dance studio, we were doing a thing called “story circle” where we would say something interesting about our week, since we only met on Wednesdays. So I was the second to last person to say something in the circle and I was trying to formulate what I was going to say in my head. Finally, it was my turn. I launched into this whole speech about how I was really nervous for my organism test, and that I had been studying really hard all week. My dance teacher looked horrified, and I wasn’t sure what I did. I have a habit of saying words I don’t mean to say, and instead of saying ‘organism’ I said ‘orgasm’. None of the girls got it, but my teacher was scared (and for good reason, how does a 6 year old girl know that word?!) I have no idea how I said that or why, but I know what I got interrogated by my mother that night.
It's hard to pick.

1. I had a recital (not a huge one or anything, it was just a little one at my community college, something they did weekly) and I had never done one before. I was super nervous and my reed was not wet enough. When you play a double reed instrument and the reed is not wet enough notes...don't happen... Enough said?

2. Right after graduating high school, I was invited to this party (a tame party, never been to anything actually bad), the person who was hosting it I did not know too well - she was one year ahead of me, and we were in marching band together for one semester, but she was in guard and of course, I was a wind player, so we hardly saw each other. So why did I go? IDK. ANYWAY, the embarrassing part? I got to her house and ran into what I thought was her and greeted her. It was her sister.

3. Many years ago (well everything so far has been such, but I could tell you exactly what year both of the above happened, not so much this one), I went to a restaurant with my family. I had to use the restroom. It was a single-person tiny restroom. When I was in there using it someone opened up the door I thought was locked (it was...just broken) and we made eye contact because the bathroom was tiny and the toilet was facing the door. T.T

4. This one is more awkward than embarrassing, but still embarrassing. (and this one is more gross) I was out at the state fair with my friends. It was hot. I got a migraine and was feeling nauseous. My friend bought me a Coke in hopes to make me feel better. So I started drinking it. But then I...burped a little (silently with my mouth cover, of course!), but I noticed that was not what happened. I had vomited a little bit my hand. I had to signal to my friends that I had to run somewhere and find a bathroom. While I was running, I ran into a girl I hadn't seen since high school and she waved at me and said hi, but I couldn't do anything because I had my hand covering my mouth and the other hand with my drink (or my purse, I forget). So I couldn't say hi... That was embarrassing, and I haven't even seen her since.

There's more, but I'll leave it at those.
I once jumped on a random mans back in the middle of town cause I thought it was my grandad loool (this was when I was about 14)😂 {R.I.P Grandad miss u💔}
I've got quite a few. I'll just do one for today.

Went into the Bathroom at college, thought I saw one of my friends... shouted his name, he looked back.. it wasn't him. In fact it was someone I had never even seen before. Tried to play it cool by just pretending to have not said anything, and just went into one of the stalls lol.
I can't remember anything specific but when I was in school, I accidentally called several teachers 'mum'. They just ignored it instead of joking about it which made me feel more embarrasssed haha