*The Oakboro Mayor*
♡ sort of active
What to chose, what to chose! (For just a bit of info before you read this, I take Hip Hop at a dance studio and there were about 10 of us to a class at the time of this story.) In 3 or 4th grade we were learning about the different types of organisms in the world. I was really into it and started researching all kinds of stuff so I would get a good grade on my unit test. Later that night, at the dance studio, we were doing a thing called “story circle” where we would say something interesting about our week, since we only met on Wednesdays. So I was the second to last person to say something in the circle and I was trying to formulate what I was going to say in my head. Finally, it was my turn. I launched into this whole speech about how I was really nervous for my organism test, and that I had been studying really hard all week. My dance teacher looked horrified, and I wasn’t sure what I did. I have a habit of saying words I don’t mean to say, and instead of saying ‘organism’ I said ‘orgasm’. None of the girls got it, but my teacher was scared (and for good reason, how does a 6 year old girl know that word?!) I have no idea how I said that or why, but I know what I got interrogated by my mother that night.