my anaconda dont want nun
Town is Anville
Mayor is Ray
I Prefer putting my Dreamies(in signature)
I would like the thing where there is a key that tells which I need or have
Here's the background picture I wanthttp://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/thumb/1/18/Anville_Town_anime.png/800px-Anville_Town_anime.png
Also could you put a picture of my Mayor in it? It looks exactly like the player(male) on the cover http://media.edge-online.com/wp-content/uploads/edgeonline/2013/06/AnimalCrossing.jpg
I dont know what price is this because i suck at math so shoot me with a price (TBT-100=800k)
DrawDo you want me to draw your mayor or use that picture?
Going to bed so if you get done with my sig during the night/tomorrow morning I won't see it at first ^^
Okay, head shot, full body or half-body of your mayor? c:
How bout half-body?
Sounds good c: That would mean your total is.... 4 million bells c: (That would be 500TBT)
ok, thats fine![]()
OK il tell you when my gates are openI'll get started on it after I receive payment in full c: If you're free now, I can pick up :3
- - - Post Merge - - -
Scratch that~ I'm going to go help a friend over in her town. Shouldn't take too long c: I'll VM you once I'm done!
Mayor Name: Alina
Town Name: Macaron
Dreamies: I would like sprites of them
Background: Would you be able to make it transparent with small, different colored macarons as a border?
I kind of want something like GummySaur's sig with my mayor to the left side cutting into the border. However, would it be possible for my mayor to be full body and holding onto Marshal? And inside the border under my Mayor's name and Town would be the sprites of all ten of my dreamies? Then underneath that, write "All dreamies obtained" with a ribbon underneath. Lastly, I would like my friend code displayed underneath the ribbon. Please let me know if this is possible <3
I could pay 400 TBT bells and 5 million in game bells? But this is totally negotiable![]()
My dreamies are in my sig (Beau included bc I'm getting him today c
Could I pay you a combination of TBT bells and in game bells? (I.e. 400 TBT bells and 2,400,000 in game bells? I'll send you a reference to my mayor in a few by pm because I'm not currently on my main town ^^