Hello! Sorry for posting again, but I just realized that I'd prefer Baabara over Biskit in my town. Could I pay you to replace Biskit with Baabara? I usually don't switch out my dreamies like this, but Baabara just gave me her picture today and I realized that Cerulean wouldn't be the same if she moved. I can pay up to 92 tbt since I'm saving 400 for someone, and maybe some in game bells? Sorry for the change again!
I've been so sick :c I'm working on requests now!
Can i have a clean sig like yours? i mean simple but not too simple
Town is Anville
Mayor is Ray
I Prefer putting my Dreamies (in signature)
I would like the thing where there is a key that tells which I need or have
Here's the background picture I want http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/thumb/1/18/Anville_Town_anime.png/800px-Anville_Town_anime.png
Also could you put a picture of my Mayor in it? It looks exactly like the player(male) on the cover http://media.edge-online.com/wp-content/uploads/edgeonline/2013/06/AnimalCrossing.jpg
I dont know what price is this because i suck at math so shoot me with a price (TBT-100=800k)