Hello there,
I am not entirely sure how to word this so please be patient with me. Also, sorry to the staff or mods etc if this is in the wrong place.
Recently I have seen certain members of our community that have been either receiving hate for breaking rules accidentally or receiving hate for some other reason from a small number of people. Whilst this number of people may be small and many of these people mean no harm by simply stating this situation should be dealt with by a mod or someone in charge here, it still doesn't feel nice to be "ganged up on" of sorts.
I will try to not give any details away with my following explanation:- (although knowing my luck I probably will so I will mention no names)
Call me biased, I don't care but a friend of mine on this forum I believe (I am not aware of my friends full situation) was simply helping others out doing odd jobs here and there perhaps for people who didn't have time for completing said jobs in the free time they (the "host") personally had. Keep in mind my friend was helping out these people for 'free', wanting nothing in return, only wanting to do a good deed and help out those who perhaps needed it.
Later on, my friend discovered that they had negative ratings on their page they had previously not noticed. Upon seeing these ratings, they were from various people my friend had helped earlier on that day.
My friend sought help - and following their request for help - was... Well.. Attacked, in a way - "ganged up on".
The point of this post is not to defend either side of the situation I'm sure many of the people involved will see but to simply ask yourself/think about this:
I understand that you may not, for example, want someone picking up something in your town they thought they could, or picking fruit from your fruit trees or accidentally going any faster than walking speed for a few mere seconds - I get that. You have stated your rules, terms and conditions. But, for the person who may have accidentally walked over one of your flowers and destroyed it - do you think they really went over your flowers with bad intentions? As a person myself with a social condition I wish to not name (although I assume it's a well known one - I'm no "medical condition" expert) I understand especially that it is hard to understand something another person has said when you see it differently. I know what it's like, to give a super lame example, to say that the best colour is blue for x reason and somebody else thinks that red is the best for y reason - it's hard to understand or see why. That person isn't trying to say that blue is awful. I'm sure you're not completely hating on red either. Both sides are misunderstood and need to come to some kind of conclusion before it gets way out of hand or either side becomes upset.
Well you know what (to carry on with my super lame analogy) what if I think that purple is best? What if I think that the helper (my friend) didn't mean to run over your flowers, yet you see it as a deadly crime? Again - I understand you told them not to. But we are people, humans - and we make mistakes. We apologise for them. There is nothing left to do but leave it, forget it and move on. Both parties never have to speak again - nobody is forcing them to.
All I ask you to reflect upon is that did that person really mean to ask in a rude or hurtful way for something in return? Did they really mean to steal an orange from your orange tree or run over your yellow tulips? I know you're going to be upset or angry, but give it a thought at the least even if you don't see it from their point of view.
I am to receive no hate or anything for this - just for people to reflect upon what I have said - if they understand it. I have done my best to explain my point and from here there is nothing more I can do. I have said my lines and played my part. Now it's down to you.
If you have bothered to read all of this, thank you for your time. If you haven't, well - thank you also.
I am not entirely sure how to word this so please be patient with me. Also, sorry to the staff or mods etc if this is in the wrong place.
Recently I have seen certain members of our community that have been either receiving hate for breaking rules accidentally or receiving hate for some other reason from a small number of people. Whilst this number of people may be small and many of these people mean no harm by simply stating this situation should be dealt with by a mod or someone in charge here, it still doesn't feel nice to be "ganged up on" of sorts.
I will try to not give any details away with my following explanation:- (although knowing my luck I probably will so I will mention no names)
Call me biased, I don't care but a friend of mine on this forum I believe (I am not aware of my friends full situation) was simply helping others out doing odd jobs here and there perhaps for people who didn't have time for completing said jobs in the free time they (the "host") personally had. Keep in mind my friend was helping out these people for 'free', wanting nothing in return, only wanting to do a good deed and help out those who perhaps needed it.
Later on, my friend discovered that they had negative ratings on their page they had previously not noticed. Upon seeing these ratings, they were from various people my friend had helped earlier on that day.
My friend sought help - and following their request for help - was... Well.. Attacked, in a way - "ganged up on".
The point of this post is not to defend either side of the situation I'm sure many of the people involved will see but to simply ask yourself/think about this:
I understand that you may not, for example, want someone picking up something in your town they thought they could, or picking fruit from your fruit trees or accidentally going any faster than walking speed for a few mere seconds - I get that. You have stated your rules, terms and conditions. But, for the person who may have accidentally walked over one of your flowers and destroyed it - do you think they really went over your flowers with bad intentions? As a person myself with a social condition I wish to not name (although I assume it's a well known one - I'm no "medical condition" expert) I understand especially that it is hard to understand something another person has said when you see it differently. I know what it's like, to give a super lame example, to say that the best colour is blue for x reason and somebody else thinks that red is the best for y reason - it's hard to understand or see why. That person isn't trying to say that blue is awful. I'm sure you're not completely hating on red either. Both sides are misunderstood and need to come to some kind of conclusion before it gets way out of hand or either side becomes upset.
Well you know what (to carry on with my super lame analogy) what if I think that purple is best? What if I think that the helper (my friend) didn't mean to run over your flowers, yet you see it as a deadly crime? Again - I understand you told them not to. But we are people, humans - and we make mistakes. We apologise for them. There is nothing left to do but leave it, forget it and move on. Both parties never have to speak again - nobody is forcing them to.
All I ask you to reflect upon is that did that person really mean to ask in a rude or hurtful way for something in return? Did they really mean to steal an orange from your orange tree or run over your yellow tulips? I know you're going to be upset or angry, but give it a thought at the least even if you don't see it from their point of view.
I am to receive no hate or anything for this - just for people to reflect upon what I have said - if they understand it. I have done my best to explain my point and from here there is nothing more I can do. I have said my lines and played my part. Now it's down to you.
If you have bothered to read all of this, thank you for your time. If you haven't, well - thank you also.