i've hoarded notebooks and journals forever! i used to be a writer and would buy notebooks constantly, but since life has sucked for the past several years i don't do much writing anymore. i still have a bunch of empty ones collecting dust though, so hopefully i'll fill em one day.
Okay LITERALLY I am the same! I have so many notebooks that I REALLY want to use but I can't because I can't decide what to use them for! I've been using some for my writing and it's been really fun! It feels good to use them after hoarding for like, ten years lol.
I definitely have a lot of blank notebooks, and I'm guilty of ripping out pages when I make a mistake I've started using them for making notes of anything and everything I can! I'm working from home during this virus so I make a list of what I have to do for the day, take notes (or doodle) during meetings, make grocery lists, lists of things I want to learn, lists of chores we need to do, etc etc. I've also used journals to write down quotes from books that I like; I'm a big reader and I like flipping back through the quotes and remembering why I liked a book so much.
I love journals, stationary and notebooks so I always have a ton because I think they're pretty, but then I end up not using them. I have used some in the past, though. I've kept a diary/journal off and on throughout my life. I have one from elementary school, one from middle school to early high school, and one from my 20's. I love to write down my thoughts and experiences to refer to later, especially for writing, but I can be very wordy and keeping a journal quickly becomes too time-consuming so I end up letting it slide until I just don't do it anymore.
I've also kept a writing journal dedicated completely to story ideas, inspiration, jotting down quick poems or phrases that come to mind that I know I'll want to use later.
Then, I have a few notebooks dedicated to different writing projects, but I would usually only jot down a character list or brief backstory and then the rest of the notebook was left empty. I only did an outline for a story once and I found I really didn't like it.
For a while, I was keeping a journal where I would write about recent books that I read. Basically, I would review them and write down my thoughts and impressions because I thought they could inspire me later.
I also used to keep journals at work for jotting down notes and to do items during meetings, but then I started having to bring my laptop into meetings and it was just easier to note things there. So I have all these journals at work now that I'll probably never use again.
It may sound like I've done a lot, but most of my journals only have a few pages filled in and the rest is blank. And I have a ton of completely blank journals just sitting around with no purpose at the moment.
im more guilty of hoarding drawing paper rather than journals tbh. i journal pretty frequently so even if i have a stack of them to write in theyll be filled pretty quickly. a few of my drawing pads though have been laying untouched because i just prefer to sketch and paint in mixed media sketch books. plus sketchbooks with blank covers are so fun to decorate!! my current sketchbook has my name in big block letters, some planets doodled on, and sailor moon stickers! cant do that with my drawing pads.
i have a few empty notebooks lmao. i don’t do much writing in them since i prefer digital journaling now over hard copies but sometimes i’ll use those notebooks to make lists or keep track of things. sometimes i get in the mood where i want to physically write stuff down and so those notebooks come in handy but other than those rare instances, they’ve stayed pretty empty and unused for the most part aha ;;
I have this problem too...but I also do it with pencils, odd pens, and all kinds of shaped erasers...
I should be using it all, but my "muse" is throwing bottles of the Big Depresso at me from across the room and is keeping me from doing anything worthwhile.
The pencils are getting some use, but not enough.
I used to do this when I lived in HK though not anymore. There were so many stationery shops everywhere and I enjoyed buying cute notebooks. It also stressed me out when I write/draw in a notebook for the first time lol
I'm this way with sketchbooks. Especially ones that are pretty or have nice paper quality.
I'm afraid of 'tainting' the pages if I accidentally mess up or don't like my drawings. But sketchbooks should be a place for experimentation and growth. I feel its the same way for journaling. It's your place for thoughts and organizing so make in a way you can understand and feel comfortable using. Seeing other people's work may inspire you but it could do the opposite as well. Don't feel pressure to show anyone if you don't want to.
Also just hoarding art supplies in general for me is a problem. I always want to change mediums so I buy new stuff without using my other supplies first. I need to remember the saying a teacher told me 'Unused art supplies are wasted.'
i have 17 empty journals / sketchbooks; i’ve either just gave up on drawing in one and erased all my embarrassing 6th grade scribbles or ripped out pages that i didn’t wanna even glance at
There's tons of fun things you can do with journals!
You can start a manifestation journal, a dream journal (achieve lucidity!), put cute polaroid pictures of your life and caption them on each page (kind of like a scrapbook), or you could even just keep a diary which i know sounds like basic advice but it's actually very good for your mental health especially for like writing future letters to yourself when you know you'll be in a stressful time
Well... It really depends? I loooove bullet-journaling (it's a very fun hobby), but I also document my feelings/emotions in blank notebooks as well. I'm trying to learn I can't always rely on my friends to vent to, they're not my therapist or psychiatrist, y'know? So, I've started writing how I feel whenever I need to. But it should be a daily thing, lol.
I'm not too big of a notebook/journal person, I use a lot of binders, except for when it comes to bullet-journaling, that requires (for me, anyway), a journal to write in LOL. Plus, I just love collecting stationery and other supplies. I do a lot of pen-pal stuff as well, lol.
I have quite a few empty notebooks. I've tried doing several things with them, including writing a diary. Unfortunately, I would hate looking back at what I wrote and tear it out. Sometimes I would do this until the journal only had a few pages left!
At one point, I was given a journal by a family member because she had a skewed outlook about my life. You know- family gossip and stuff. She gave it to me to 'vent' and get down my thoughts because of my 'troubled home'. lol
I wrote in it for a while. Then I ripped out the used pages and set them on fire at New Years. The rest of the journal went to my mom because she likes taking notes.
I have plenty of journals I haven't used yet! I'm aiming on using them for fall to rewrite notes. Looking at studyblrs is inspiring on making functional and beautiful notes! ;v;