They say we are born into this world without our other half, stolen from us by the gods, so that we might understand humility.
Until two return as one, the gnawing emptiness cannot be filled whole.
Countless lives spent, searching... longingly, endlessly, fruitlessly.
But you need not experience that.
An elixir of exceedingly rare ingredients:
the feathers of a Fenghuang pair, willingly given,
the tears of a Frog Prince, unkissed,
flowers from a field where bonded souls reunited,
a red string of fate, stained with the user's blood,
rings belonging to lovers buried side by side,
and a precious treasure that makes one's heart sing,
that will be destroyed when consumed.
Shatter the jar and your soulmate,
platonic or romantic,
will be brought to your side forevermore.
But bring the elixir to your lips, and you will be delivered to them, instead.
* Consumer may be brought to alternate universe(s). Consumer has been warned. The Council for Practicing Safe Potion-brewing does not advise consuming Soulmate Elixirs without putting one's affairs in order first.