epic yarn

Ciaran said:
Meh, kirby games are always easy and short.
just from the video, this game looks like it'll be a little more difficult than previous kirby games.

my reason to believe so is that kirby can't float/fly as he usually has been able to (which was kind of tinkered with in the 64/crystal shards title) and that kirby isn't inhaling anything it seems, with this game using the yarn lasso thing. and the cloth backgrounds and stuff being interactive/changeable give the series the same kind of detail/secrets that the series has had in the past.

y'know, like invisible doors in the moon, for one.

but eh. i'm pretty excited for this game, moreso than any other nintendo's offering right now.

donkey kong will wait.
Bacon Boy said:
To me, it looks like Little Big Planet sneezed on Kirby and this is what happened.
except that would mean nintendo gave the players some form of a tool to make their own game.

which is not the case. :(

but yeah, the graphics are kinda similar i guess.
I saw the trailer on the Nintendo Channel and I think it looks awesome! I'll be getting it for christmas.