ermerger i need friends</3

Jul 15, 2013
October Birthstone (Opal)
Pear (Fruit)
September Birthstone (Sapphire)
100% (6) +
lolol. but srsly. i really do. i made a couple friends today using these forums, actually. and they have been insanely sweet to me. i'm looking to make some more~

i don't have any like 'requirements' or anything, but i'd really love it if you're in my age range 13-17. [i'm 14.] but it honestly doesn't matter. i'll wifi with anyone who isn't rude, and who won't destroy my town.

only rules when visiting are common sense. don't chop my trees, don't steal flowers, don't trample flowers/saplings, don't steal anything. also, i'd prefer if you restrained from chatting with my townies. i'm kinda over protective of them and don't want them to move, lol.

my town was created about 3 days ago, so it's not the best. i'd much rather visit others for a while so my stores have time to be built.

anyway, i'm rambling. i'd love to add some kind users to wifi with. i'm on constantly, and wifi actively.

if your interested in bein muh fran, feel free to PM me, post here, or whatever. <3
hiya! :) your welcome to add me ;D Ill add your fc now, and I wanted to let you know that your towns peeps don't move out unless they have already set to move and you say its okay :) Even after that, I've experienced several occasions where the butts end up staying because I'll talk to them a few days later, and they ask me what I think and I say the wrong thing. xD

annnnyways, yah, you are welcome to hop into my town whenever I have gates open, or pm me. :)
I'd love to hangout with you! I'm 20 but.. I hope it's not an issue ; n ;
My town is fairly developed. Don't have the cafe or anything yet!
Feel free to add me ^ u ^ and let me know so I can add you too!
kays! where all the late night players at!! TnT ill open my gates if you wanna browse around, I have some features your welcome to try! Ill keep them a surprise :D lol
Heya, I'll gladly add you! Don't worry, I show to same respect to others towns, as I'd expect them to show to mine. ^ ^