Error Code 86420 (Animal Crossing City Folk)

JasonBurrows said:
vampiricrogue, you are pyschic, I did exactly that and I have Internet on my PC with mentioned wire.
well considering i just woke up, i dont know if that was sarcasm or an actual result. I'll assume it was sarcasm though if the lan wire for the wii really wasnt the problem, but that knocks out a lot of possibilities... (aka, it means there is a sturdy connection with both ends of the wire, no loose connections, no rogue dust particle in the router port, no port switching, etc etc, allt he boring stuff that everyone looks over.)

Next thing i would have to say is to note down all of the programs that the computer(s) of the household installed or ran during the time of your connection downtime. There are sometimes programs, like limewire (as an example), that changes your firewall settings without your okay in it. There is also a possibility that if you played, or changed a PC game that has online capabilities could have customized it for itself, overlooking the wii--especially if it was an older game that doesn't know how to share. (Some games back int he day believed to have their own port numbers because originally, each game was supposed to have its own settings, port numbers, etc, so it would be easier to pinpoint problems. Unfortunately with so many numbers available for the net--which was later realized, the concept of the old design still hasn't changed, and could have easily redone the router to override the wii on accident.)

To of which, i'll give you time to test it or give results before i make another paragraph of things.
It wasn't sarcasm, I actually did exactly what you said before you even posted it.

Also, can you add me?
ya know, i had one thought... did you try to test your internet connection? I know when my internet was down the last couple days, my wii was upset and wanted to test the connection wire even though it had access now... it refused to try it unless you went to the settings itself and clicked "test connection."

Think of the Wii as your n00b father, following the rules of powered-butt syndrome. They won't take your advice unless it is a last resort because they powered your behind... in short, it thinks your flat -ass ******** and won't budge unless you show it in front of them.

Don't blame me, it's just the wii being picky.

You should try it with a 360, they are worse then mothers on PMS.
JasonBurrows said:
It wasn't sarcasm, I actually did exactly what you said before you even posted it.

Also, can you add me?
meh, sure... not like i dont have an hour to spare left before i get screamed at by doctors who think taking drugs makes a perfect baby. -_- They don't know crap...

i took this from my rockband wordpad document, since the wii is being used right now and i can't check it directly.


Since ya said ya wanted to test the connection.

Edit line--
Yes the numbers correct. Now yours?




Since I offered 3,000 Bells, I'll give MasterM64 and vampiricrogue 1,500 each for helping me and posting quite long posts. ;)

Thanks you two


I'll keep watch for the error code. ;)
Positive Colm Fitzi


It worked after I did the following in order:

1. Enabled Wii Port Forwarding
2. Reset the Router
3. Deleted the current Wii Connection
4. Connected the Wii with the Port Forwarding enabled Connection
5. Loaded up Animal Crossing
6. Talked to Copper
7. Connected
8. Found a town (Caitlin from Somwhere - cazaza on TBT)
9. Enquired about the town, sent an enquiry
10. Loaded the town without error code 86420
Jason I know this sounds strange but I have a 7mb cable connection and Belkin wireless g router. I was running a lan adapter from the wii to it. Thinking I had a faster more secure connection. At least half of the people could not get in ever and vice versa. So you know what I did a few weeks ago.

I unplugged the lan adapter. Searched for an access point. One of my neighbors (must be close enough by since I get 2 bars) has an unsecured wireless connection on all of the time. Since then I have not had a single problem with anyone getting error 86420. Everyone that could not come before now has made it. My wireless router is secured and for some reason the wii itself cannot connect to it at all unless I use the lan adapter. Very weird. But the lan adapter cannot connect with over half my friends list. Thank the neighbor for always having that unsecured wireless on.
thebigcucumber said:
do u hack?
OM*G why does everyone assume that hacking causes wifi issues!?? I seriously wish that people would do their homework before opening their mouths and letting the crap roll out. The wifi goes down for all types of reason... weather, configuration issues with the router, not a strong enough connection. I have plenty of "hacker friends" and they don't have issues with getting into other towns or getting visitors into theirs. Just gimme a break on all the assuming..its played out.