Error Code 86420 (Animal Crossing City Folk)

Yes they do actually. They are friends of ours and they have used ours too on occasion. So again I will what you know, not what you think you know. This is what I mean about all the assuming on this site. ITS OLD AND BOGUS
Maybe you should state this before so no one won't jump to conclusions.

And if you don't enjoy the site, what's the point of being here?
I do not owe anyone here or anywhere any explanations for anything. Period.

I enjoy the site just fine. I do not enjoy the ignorant people who are all over it.
Now get back to the topic of the error code. It's not due to hacking, its due to router issues either on the players side or on nintendo's side. That's all I have to say.

Have a good day yall
I only explained it out of sticking up for my husband. If it had been me that put our business out there I sure wouldn't be explaining anything.
xeladude said:
WiiHaven, you're basically using his connection which is illegal :c
FYI an unsecured connection is just that regardless if anyone does not bother to secure their connection it is open game. It's like free wireless at a hotel. Even beyond all this our neighbor knows we use it for our wii only. Now hacking into a wireless secured connection is illegal which is not something I need to do.
JasonBurrows said:
Myself said:
and yet it's never and I do mean NEVER stopped me going out before

Well, at least since I upgraded from 2mb Broadband....
There's your problem. I happen to be a computer nerd/geek, and I can answer your question.
Your internet has a firewall up to keep you from getting viruses and spam. All you can do is either go into your internet settings on your computer, or call your service provider, to have them remove the firewall, or allow AC through.
Katie2291996 said:
JasonBurrows said:
Myself said:
and yet it's never and I do mean NEVER stopped me going out before

Well, at least since I upgraded from 2mb Broadband....
There's your problem. I happen to be a computer nerd/geek, and I can answer your question.
Your internet has a firewall up to keep you from getting viruses and spam. All you can do is either go into your internet settings on your computer, or call your service provider, to have them remove the firewall, or allow AC through.
:D Didn't realize until I read everything, that you have already sorted out the problem.