Events & Collectibles General Discussion

Someone wanna tell me why a blue candy from 2013 is worth 5k and one from this years is 2k? Liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiike NO!
Same thing people. Same thing.

Some people would do that. Only because it's older. I thought that was only a cheese and wine thing though.
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gandalf pls

use ur magic and conjure me up a blue candy

im gonna be missing the last restock and I have no bells I'm broke

ive wanted for so long too like it breaks my heart sometiems </3
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I crave that Dark Candy... Ugh...

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Oh okay... Now I get what you meant by expired. Lol.
I think I'm going to sleep now since I'm quite sleepy... and then i'll wake up in an hour or two just to check to see if anything new is going on and the last announced restock is going to happen! ♥ until then, i'm going to huddle up in bed and hope i won't end up missing it in the end
Poor dark candy :c I wonder what it tasted like...
Something like this?

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well i tried staying up as late as possible :c sigh... i hope i get a chance at a blue candy tomorrow qvq night guys~ good luck!