Cross-post from the OOMPA LOOMPA! thread:
We'll be revealing and distributing two raffle winners approximately every hour 3pm through 7pm on Friday. May be slightly late if I'm in the middle of an intense Smash Wii U match losing to Jeremy.
All times are Pacific.
Please note that by no means are you required to be online at the time nor do you need to do any mad shop refreshing to win the Pokeball prize. It's simply just for the fun of anyone who is interested in indulging in some anticipation and hype of possibly winning one. I know a lot of you got a lot of fun out of chatting and freaking out in the Shop Restock thread during Halloween last month as a community while you waited, so this will be a little reunion of sorts. I'll see you in the thread on Friday!
We'll be revealing and distributing two raffle winners approximately every hour 3pm through 7pm on Friday. May be slightly late if I'm in the middle of an intense Smash Wii U match losing to Jeremy.
Please note that by no means are you required to be online at the time nor do you need to do any mad shop refreshing to win the Pokeball prize. It's simply just for the fun of anyone who is interested in indulging in some anticipation and hype of possibly winning one. I know a lot of you got a lot of fun out of chatting and freaking out in the Shop Restock thread during Halloween last month as a community while you waited, so this will be a little reunion of sorts. I'll see you in the thread on Friday!