Everything You Need to Know about Gardening

We know that blue is the most recessive of the tulip colors, so any blue tulip will be blue/blue. If you breed your flowers with a blue tulip, every seed you get will be the dominant color with a recessive blue or blue/blue if some of your seeds already had a recessive blue. If you need more blue flowers, you could then breed these with blue again to get 50% blue seeds and more of the dominant color with recessive blue. You could also breed with other colors until you get all you need, but you won't know what your recessive traits are.

Pansies might be a bit easier. White is the most recessive, so every white pansy you see is white/white. In addition, orange pansies are only red/yellow, red-blue pansies are only red/blue, and yellow-blue pansies are only yellow/blue.

I read over the reddit guides you linked to in an earlier post, and they were super helpful. I have decided to start fresh by getting rid of any flowers that I don't know the genes of. I don't have any blue tulips/seeds sadly, but I do have white, red-blue, and yellow-blue pansies/seeds that I am holding onto. I'm going to craft as much furniture as I can, which suits me anyway because I am trying to get one of everything. :)