• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

Excited to see if there are any regional differences

I don't think there'll be region exclusive community projects;

Like yeah I can't see non-Japanese countries get the Inahoshi but the Japanese game does have the Sphinx, Pyramid, Moai.
So soley based on that I don't think community projects would be region exclusive (could be possible though), but I do think it'll be cool

Wait, you just agreed with me on the Inahoshi thing, but then say that "I don't think community projects would be region exclusive"...So....which is it? That was all I was talking about haha. Of course things like the Sphinx will be in every region, those are cultural icons. I just meant things that are so Japanese that they hurt (Inahoshi) will obviously not be in other regions.
Putting it that way yeah I guess they may be region exclusive, kinda makes the game more interesting now oops i feel stupid lol bye bidoof out
I hope they don't take all the Japanese icons out, because I was hoping to make a Japanese-themed town. I wouldn't be surprised if they took them out, but I'd be bummed out nonetheless.
I really hope they will leave things alone, but now that I think about it, I guess it wouldn't be too surprising. Like I could see the Tokyo Tower being changed to like... the Statue of Liberty or the Empire State Building or something and Europe may get the Eiffel Tower.

I still hate that the 7-11 stuff will be exclusive though :( it's not like we don't have 7-11's here. But I mean, they never brought over that McDonald's puzzle either so...

All I know is getting all the exclusives is going to be a pain T__T I just hope none of the Community Projects I really like get removed.. :/ Already planned out the 30 I want so that'll be pretty depressing.
I really hope they will leave things alone, but now that I think about it, I guess it wouldn't be too surprising. Like I could see the Tokyo Tower being changed to like... the Statue of Liberty or the Empire State Building or something and Europe may get the Eiffel Tower.

I still hate that the 7-11 stuff will be exclusive though :( it's not like we don't have 7-11's here. But I mean, they never brought over that McDonald's puzzle either so...

All I know is getting all the exclusives is going to be a pain T__T I just hope none of the Community Projects I really like get removed.. :/ Already planned out the 30 I want so that'll be pretty depressing.

The issue is not that there aren't any 7-11's, its that 1) No wifi in them (this is the biggest), 2) Unevenly distributed around the country, there is NO way they would be able to do support for all of them (NOA couldn't be bothered) and 3) it is a MUCH much bigger brand in Japan than US, trust me. I've lived in multiple states in the US and in Japan the last nearly five years. It's just how it is. Honestly though, you guys in the states will get plenty of exclusives but through Wifi hotspots is just not how it'll happen. The US is behind Japan a good ten years in that regard.
The issue is not that there aren't any 7-11's, its that 1) No wifi in them (this is the biggest), 2) Unevenly distributed around the country, there is NO way they would be able to do support for all of them (NOA couldn't be bothered) and 3) it is a MUCH much bigger brand in Japan than US, trust me. I've lived in multiple states in the US and in Japan the last nearly five years. It's just how it is. Honestly though, you guys in the states will get plenty of exclusives but through Wifi hotspots is just not how it'll happen. The US is behind Japan a good ten years in that regard.

I agree.
The 7-11's here don't have wifi; I don't really like the 7-11 stuff though so It really doesn't bother me

But yeah, the 7-11's in Japan are huge. When I was there for 2 weeks - when I went to a 7-11 they were huge.
I don't remember the inside of many of them, but I remember seeing them everywhere.
Though I remember the isnide of one in particular, I don't remember where it was (it was near a port and we went on a boat to go to that deer island which has the orange/red gate in the water anyway not important) - but yeah, compared to the 7-11's here that one was huge and like a super market.
The ones here seriously have like 1 fridge, this one had a whole wall for a fridge and I remember walking up and down it multiple times deciding what to have for my lunch.
It really is bigger in Japan I can see why they'd be Japan exclusive
I agree.
The 7-11's here don't have wifi; I don't really like the 7-11 stuff though so It really doesn't bother me

But yeah, the 7-11's in Japan are huge. When I was there for 2 weeks - when I went to a 7-11 they were huge.
I don't remember the inside of many of them, but I remember seeing them everywhere.
Though I remember the isnide of one in particular, I don't remember where it was (it was near a port and we went on a boat to go to that deer island which has the orange/red gate in the water anyway not important) - but yeah, compared to the 7-11's here that one was huge and like a super market.
The ones here seriously have like 1 fridge, this one had a whole wall for a fridge and I remember walking up and down it multiple times deciding what to have for my lunch.
It really is bigger in Japan I can see why they'd be Japan exclusive

I live in Maryland. The 7-11 closest to my house has a whole wall for a fridge. That being said, you're describing it has an entire supermarket, so I mean mine doesn't sound like that big.
I've never actually seen a 7-11, so even if they did the promotion in America, I wouldn't be able to get the stuff.
The issue is not that there aren't any 7-11's, its that 1) No wifi in them (this is the biggest), 2) Unevenly distributed around the country, there is NO way they would be able to do support for all of them (NOA couldn't be bothered) and 3) it is a MUCH much bigger brand in Japan than US, trust me. I've lived in multiple states in the US and in Japan the last nearly five years. It's just how it is. Honestly though, you guys in the states will get plenty of exclusives but through Wifi hotspots is just not how it'll happen. The US is behind Japan a good ten years in that regard.

I actually think one or two around here has Wi-fi but moving on... I know why they don't do it, but at the same time, as frustrating as it is, Nintendo isn't always one to do Wi-fi events that are spread out well. They've definitely gotten a lot better, but like even with Gamestop events--I have many friends who the closest Gamestop is like an hour away so it was really inconvenient for them.

The amount of Mall Events they've done too--heck, they've even done some special Wifi events at the Nintendo Store so...

Even if there wouldn't be tons that can participate, to see something more accessible and not restricted to a certain region would be nice. Heck, I've passed several Japanese 3DS before and have seen the McDonald's puzzle with a giant ??? over and it'd have been nice to be able to get a piece to unlock it and then try and get the rest of the pieces with play coins.

It's just that kind of situation. (ironically, both times I went to Japan, I never actually saw a 7-11. @-@ but I wasn't really looking for one in particular so that could be why)
They may do something like a McDonalds event, since I think most McDonald's are Nintendo Hotspots (or whatever it is they call them)...that would seem reasonable for North America :)
Eww I really don't want any Mcdonalds themed item in my animal crossing game. Tom Nook is chubby enough! LOL

It does make sense though, mcdonalds' are everywhere and they are hotspots. I prefer my DLC to not be "company specific" like the 7-11 stuff is. I like regular old items, I don't want a logo slapped onto it. Hopefully they'll just do some stuff at gamestop like they do with pokemon downloads.
To be honest, I'll be very surprised if they do McDonald's anything considering we never even got the puzzle they did for the restaurant @-@ NoA just doesn't seem to be very interested in those kinds of things sadly :/ I think that's part of why the Mario-Sonic Olympics Virtual Card thing never went out of the UK as well.

I'm trying to keep my hopes up that the DLC will at least go well (as they have done them for previous games), but there's still a few games I can think of that haven't gotten any DLC in comparison to their overseas counterpart.
Eww I really don't want any Mcdonalds themed item in my animal crossing game. Tom Nook is chubby enough! LOL

It does make sense though, mcdonalds' are everywhere and they are hotspots. I prefer my DLC to not be "company specific" like the 7-11 stuff is. I like regular old items, I don't want a logo slapped onto it. Hopefully they'll just do some stuff at gamestop like they do with pokemon downloads.

Well it's not like the company stuff is a logo slapped on to things. it's not like a 7/11 couch or anything.

It's the 7/11 store set. the set makes sense. ;)
Well it's not like the company stuff is a logo slapped on to things. it's not like a 7/11 couch or anything.

It's the 7/11 store set. the set makes sense. ;)

I understand that, but I know the one item is just a 7-11 sign and another is a model of the store itself. Don't recall if any of the others have the 7-11 logo on it, but I tend to keep at least one of every item that can't be ordered and I really don't want a bunch of company themed items in my dresser. The stuff they had for WW was the Mario theme which was awesome, but I prefer the "normal" DLC stuff like the clock, lamp, stump, and even the food items over company based items any day.

If it were just the company logo slapped onto random couches, chairs, etcI wouldn't even want them at all and I'd shake my head at nintendo for it!
I understand that, but I know the one item is just a 7-11 sign and another is a model of the store itself. Don't recall if any of the others have the 7-11 logo on it, but I tend to keep at least one of every item that can't be ordered and I really don't want a bunch of company themed items in my dresser. The stuff they had for WW was the Mario theme which was awesome, but I prefer the "normal" DLC stuff like the clock, lamp, stump, and even the food items over company based items any day.

If it were just the company logo slapped onto random couches, chairs, etcI wouldn't even want them at all and I'd shake my head at nintendo for it!

Think of it as a store set then. Just a 7/11 version of it. :) or just not have the sign or the store model. the counter and the other pieces, though quintessentially 7/11 (at least in japan), still look like a convenience store.

I really doubt you'll be able to keep one of every unorderable item. there are over 4k items in this game :) Fun part: Kaizo can make couches with the 7/11 logo slapped on to them xD or the mcdonalds logo. or the wallmart logo. or penises. whatever you like xD
Think of it as a store set then. Just a 7/11 version of it. :) or just not have the sign or the store model. the counter and the other pieces, though quintessentially 7/11 (at least in japan), still look like a convenience store.

I really doubt you'll be able to keep one of every unorderable item. there are over 4k items in this game :) Fun part: Kaizo can make couches with the 7/11 logo slapped on to them xD or the mcdonalds logo. or the wallmart logo. or penises. whatever you like xD

I already counted it out, I can keep one of every unorderable item. Three characters will have enough space to do it. =)

And I don't think I'll get any of the 7-11 items. I can't imagine many players wanting to sell theirs and it isn't going to come over to the us :p
Is everyone really OCD about collecting everything? Does any even care about 7-11? I don't know why people NEED these items so much when they're just going to sit in storage because it doesn't fit into anyone's themes.
I don't really care about the 7-11 stuff. I am rather OCD about 100% completing every game I play. I like having stuff sit in storage so that when I do change my themes, clothing, etc around and I need it I have it available to me.