Expand your Music tastes

Extremely underrated disco group from the late 70s and early 80s. Some might recognize this song as the Barrel Roll song meme.


Ayreon are a brilliant progressive metal band. Most of the vocals are done by guest vocalists, same with the instrumentals. This song is one of the few that has Arjen Anthony Lucassen (the only permanent member) on lead vocals. Due to the nature of the band, they never tour. He does have anpther band, Star One, who do tour and have played Ayreon songs live.

Avantasia are similar in that they have a lot of guest vocalists and instrumentalists, but they do have a permanent line up, and therefore can actually tour. Or did, they're playing their last show for a while/forever next year. Chose to put this song on here because it has lead from the mighty Roy Khan. I'd also recommend checking out The Toy Master, as it has lead vocals from Alice Cooper.
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^So I'm not the only one on here that listens to metal haha, nice!

Have to check out Ayreon more myself, as well as Riot(love their 'Thundersteel' album!)...will get around to Def Leppard and Avantasia sooner or later XD!
^So I'm not the only one on here that listens to metal haha, nice!

Have to check out Ayreon more myself, as well as Riot(love their 'Thundersteel' album!)...will get around to Def Leppard and Avantasia sooner or later XD!

Well, I'll likely be putting more up on this thread at some point. In fact, since I've been listening to them quite a bit today, have some Amon Amarth.


Love Brand New, and I can listen to this song on repeat. Hopefully I'll get to see them when they tour the UK in April.
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don't like it, don't know why.

Anyway, Taylor Swift: Speak Now album is awesome. That's what I recommend.
Justin Bieber- Adore You huehue
wtf i just did....jpg