Explain simple things.


attention gamers,
May 22, 2015
Love Tokens
Cupid Coins
Heart Dust
Heart Glow Wand
Tasty Cake
Flower Glow Wand
Tasty Cake
Heart Glow Wand
Valentine's Rose
Valentine's Rose
Valentine's Rose
Valentine's Rose
Valentine's Rose
Valentine's Rose
Valentine's Rose
There are certain questions that we know the answer to immediately, but they're hard to explain. A person will give a simple problem, and the person below has to try to explain it, and then give another problem for the person below. Ready? I'll start.

Explain why 2+2=4.
By the laws of mathematics, when you take 2 object and place them with another 2 objects. You will then have 4 objects.

Describe what water feels like. (dont just say wet)
It feels like your fears in your skin idk

Describe why the sky is blue
for a few reasons:
1. It helps keep your eyes from drying out (which is what happens when you blink)
2. It releases stress hormones or Toxins from the body
3. It used to be a survival method, as it would alert others that you need help.
4. As a way to get support from others

Why do we laugh when tickled?
the amazing mix of different food groups and favorite flavors.
meat is the pepperoni or sausage
veggies is the well...veggie toppings
sauce is tomatoes
cheese is your source of milk and calcium
your grains and carbs come from the crust and dough

describe what guilt feels like or seems like to you
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obviously, the answer is that God is crying and he uses clouds to clear out his tear sacs....

why is the sky blue?
The sky is blue due to the rayleight scattering, which intercepts the shorter wavelenghts, but lets the higher ones pass through (red, orange, yellow). The blue light absorbed is then dispersed around.

Why are cats household pets ?
the amazing mix of different food groups and favorite flavors.
meat is the pepperoni or sausage
veggies is the well...veggie toppings
sauce is tomatoes
cheese is your source of milk and calcium
your grains and carbs come from the crust and dough

The only topping I have on my Pizza is cheese...

Many years ago, Egyptian people worshipped cats for some reason. They were used to control the mice population, and people realized cats are much more than workers that kill mice... They are friends. <3

Explain batteries
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a battery generates electricity to power a vehicle or an object.

Define love in your own words...
It's when you can become more yourself, and that's okay, because the individual, whoever it is, chose to take all that with them, whatever you hide, whatever you consider "wrong" or "bad", what's hidden in you, they make you become okay with it, and not feel alone in it anymore. (Okay that got philosophical i'm sorry, these things shouldn't be asked to litterary students xD)


Why do trees have green leaves.
they don't, our eyes are developed to see very limited colors

why do most people hate math?
Cuz it is frusturatingly hard

Why do I hate the dentist's office?
most people begin to hate math when they start to encounter or study the more complex equations. long equations and the tedious process to get the answer on these complex equations may trigger a person's subconscious to think that deriving the answer is hard because of the many numbers and math symbols and the overall long process, which results to the person hating math. believe me im an expert

edit: oi i got ninja'd :^|

maybe bc the dentist is a big meanie and his office smells like him

explain why salt is salty
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because they find it entertaining

why does animal crossing have animals?