Explain your lineup thread

for posterity
Screenshot 2024-04-01 at 2.36.37 PM.png
ok, it's objectively worse, but since I'm probably the one member closest to it, I felt like I had to

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calendar order birthstones

if anyone wants to donate me a 2018 july birthstone (ruby), that'd be grand
If I had one, I totally would send it to you. And now I’ll be on the lookout for one for you 😊

Let this be commemorated from now until the end of time~ it's Panda's top 12 favorite eggies! 😍💖(honorable mention to the glorious Boo Egg, best Halloweaster egg) btw don't mind Li'l Ears! He's just dancing to some rhythm games on his tablet lol time to get funky!! But don't let the eggs get too funky!
My 5x5 Easter Egg lineup, with all its careful organizational planning, has fallen into chaos with the 6x6 lines. The bottom row is salvageable, but the top row can no longer properly align with the ones below them.



I've fallen to the Dark Side and am now going to commence Order E66 with the slaughter of the younglings. I threw the Will-o'-the-Wisp Halloweaster Egg in because it seems like the glass would be fun to shatter.

Me (Anakin) and Jeremy (Obi-Wan):

A more “basic” lineup compared to all of your 6x2 ones, but I couldn’t resist having a lil flowers and eggs moment! Aurora egg front and centre ofc since she is my pride and joy and one of my biggest dreams come true 🩵

I think the sakuras and plum blossoms look so beautiful together, I’m so happy I can do a little something with them both now!

please forgive me 6x2 for not utilizing you, 4 years and a less barren inventory later and I still can’t make 6x2 lineups work 😔
