Explain your lineup thread



That’s all there really is to explain, lol.
Because I could use a little extra pep to help get me through my sickness. Might include a bottom lineup, though not sure since it's only a temporary lineup.
my set-up is based loosely around halloween!

orange is my favorite color, and monochrome is one of my favorite "color schemes" so this set up just felt natural. c: (also i wanted to flex my white star frag - its like my only rare collectable, so dont judge me lol)

it also represents my time on TBT, as the scroll is from all the way back in 2013, while the Mushroom was bought in 2020 (today) C:
I can't really explain mine at the moment except the fact that I wouldn't have spent the bells on them if I didn't plan to display them at some point at all lol. I'm still a newbie to collecting, but eventually I want to get all my faves and then possibly rotate them out as new faves get released. Sakuras and disco eggs are at the top of my want list right now. Just got a popsicle today, which I'm super stoked about! :giggle:
Friday the 13th CandyYellow CandyEerie Star PotionYellow CandyCobweb Halloweaster Egg
Red Star FragmentYellow Star FragmentGreen Star FragmentBlue Star FragmentPurple Star Fragment

I really like collectibles with darker backgrounds, and it shows in my lineup

To break it down further:
The first item in my lineup is a Friday the 13th Candy. None of the Yellow Candies I bought changed, so I ended up trading someone the Pierrot Candy I won from the Halloween event for it. I really like the coloring of this candy, so I'm glad to have it in my lineup.

The second item is a Yellow Candy from Friday the 13th. I actually sold back all of mine because I didn't think to keep one, so I got this one from someone who was giving them away!

The Eerie Star Potion is very pretty. Blue is my favorite color, and this shade of blue is really nice.

I had a Moonlight Egg in the fourth spot for a bit, but I swapped it out today for another Yellow Candy. I got this candy from the Halloween event, and it balances well with the one from Friday the 13th.

My Cobweb Egg was obtained by hunting the site for eggs. It was my favorite egg from the ones available, and I'm glad I was able to get one.

As for the bottom row, it's a star fragment rainbow! I like rainbows and stars, so it's a perfect row of collectibles for me.
my is a selling lineup which means currently l am selling the collectibles you see in my lineup.