My lineup tells 5 different tales.
The Cosmic Sheep

traveling across the vast galaxy, and by his side, the beautiful Cosmic Princess. Together, they search for a fabled kingdom hidden away in the stars...
Red Pikmin! Fiery little fighters

How many of you can carry such a big mushroom? So small, yet your fortitude is immeasurable.
Springtime, its soft breeze carries a melody of love through the Sakura Garden

See how beautifully the cherry blossoms bloom as two figures walk hand in hand down the gravel path...
Eevee, a gentle heart full of inner strengths and weaknesses

Water can take any shape, and so can we, but the decisions we make... We are not so simple as water. So then, what shape will
we take? There is a stone out there for us all...
With eyes as bright as rubies and a hoppy-go-lucky personality, Ruby the rabbit

goes hunting for easter eggs. Some are swirly while some are wavy, others are colorful while others are mysterious... Some are icy and frosty, some are the stuff of dreams and nightmares...but no matter how they look, Ruby finds joy in them all...along with caramel!
End of story.