Exterminator needed

I work in early childhood so I am constantly on alert for lice sightings. This is seriously freaking me out. xD
I was thinkin, hey, been a bit since I been here. I should visit. And what do I get? Fleas. I am greeted with fleas. :lemon:
Let them consume you! The sooner you give in, the better.
Umm no they're fleas to celebrate the anniversary of daylight saving time being reintroduced in the USSR in 1981

Please don't forget about the Flea Market today in Animal Crossing: Wild World. :)
are we in australia

Oh Sparro honey - it wouldn't be something as relatively benign (bubonic plague excepted) as FLEAS in Australia. We have wayyyy too many interesting and completely deadly little creatures to choose from, fleas wouldn't rate a mention. We've got lots of gorgeous (and lethal) spiders!

Great! TBT is now ruined. I shall now call it The Flea Tree Forums.

Watch your tongue human, or it shall be removed. Our leadership will lead this buggy forums to the future!
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