Shop Faeblush Shop 🎀

Hi, I’m interested in this:

cute furniture (white+pink)

music player
floor lamp

I have nook miles ticket
Hi, I’m interested in this:

cute furniture (white+pink)

music player
floor lamp

I have nook miles ticket

sounds good to me. ill have to order them so it will take a little maybe an hour or so because i have to time travel ;;
Hey, I was wondering if I can get yellow, red, and white roses pls? I can trade you all kinds of fruits like cherries, pears, peaches, apples, and oranges. I also have in offer a nook mile ticket :)
Hi! Do you have screenshots of the cute items, by any chance? :)

Sorry, but I don’t have any cute items right now, would it still be possible to get some roses if I exceed my offer to two nookmiles and 3 fruit of any kind?
Hey, I was wondering If I could get 10 of each basic rose. I can give you 1 Nook Miles Ticket in exchange.

I have 2 extra recipes to trade for :
natural garden table
wooden waste bin

I have :
- Music stand (made of wood)
- Bamboo rug
(not sure about the english names)
Hey, I was wondering if I can get yellow, red, and white roses pls? I can trade you all kinds of fruits like cherries, pears, peaches, apples, and oranges. I also have in offer a nook mile ticket :)

how many where you looking for? 1 or 2 nook miles would be great! c:

Hi! Do you have screenshots of the cute items, by any chance? :)

i can make a screenshot later or tomorrow when i get all the items in the mail c:

Hey, I was wondering If I could get 10 of each basic rose. I can give you 1 Nook Miles Ticket in exchange.

sounds good. let me know when you are avaiable. i would like to drop off if thats okay with you


I have 2 extra recipes to trade for :
natural garden table
wooden waste bin

I have :
- Music stand (made of wood)
- Bamboo rug
(not sure about the english names)

i already have the bamboo rug but i would take the music stand for one of the recipes :3
natural garden table for my music stand so :)

Can you send me your dodo code ?
Intered to these
>natural garden table
>wooden waste bin

For trade are my DIY recipes:
> Garden Rock
> Simple DIY workbench
> Light Bamboo Rug
> Steamer Basket set

Or I can give 20k bells for each DIY?