Woah my nooks has pink balloons? Has this been here for a while? Or is this part of the new update?
so i'm being a god-dishonoring time traveler, and...
i don't think the new eye and skin options will be a seasonal thing! i'm on oct 1st and the way by which you obtain them makes me think it'd be really weird if you can't use them year-round. i won't say more, but i'm cautiously optimistic.
(here's to hoping the spoiler button works on mobile... if not, lmk and i'll delete this!)
Grain of salt, but I'd bet my bottom dollar these aren't temporary new options. :]
There's nothing you spend NMs on that they take away from you.
You can customize all the new items! Pumpkins can have different facial expressions and colors for example.

You can get the DIYs from balloons, beach bottles and villager crafting! The Nook Shop also sells them already made!
You can customize all the new items! Pumpkins can have different facial expressions and colors for example.

You can get the DIYs from balloons, beach bottles and villager crafting! The Nook Shop also sells them already made!

Thank you! You just answered my question 😊. I was worrying that I’d need to trade for all the color variations seeing how the item was unorderable. That makes me very happy. :)
You can customize all the new items! Pumpkins can have different facial expressions and colors for example.

You can get the DIYs from balloons, beach bottles and villager crafting! The Nook Shop also sells them already made!

ahh i haven’t had a chance to play yet!! do you know if white is a customization option? :0
It’s because they added the items only in October, which is weird

Why is it weird that they added an update that shows up in October if the content is mostly related to Halloween? It is a bit disappointing for the people who have to wait one more day to play with new stuff, but it isn't really that surprising. If it was actually programmed in the game at release, then we still would have had to wait for October for the stuff to show up.

Maybe I just don't get it. 😅