i am so late to the party, I LOVED AC: WW and NL and though I picked up NH at launch I never got the chance to play it due to various personal circumstances that happened around the time of release personally. I now would love to start playing it again, but I am worried that so much time has passed and I am so late to the party that it almost feels like I should just wait for the new version to come out instead of getting into this one. I have probably missed a tonne of events, the community that was playing has most likely moved on, and of course Nintendo (so I read) have certainly moved on and the game is no longer supported.
What should I do guys, is it too late and I should just wait, or should I jump into NH?
Thanks, and have a great day!
What should I do guys, is it too late and I should just wait, or should I jump into NH?
Thanks, and have a great day!