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Fashion Dreamer & Style Savvy Discussion


Hoppy Froggy Friend ੈ✩‧₊˚
Dec 12, 2021
Throwback Tickets
Green Bunny Balloon
Psychedelic Snow Bunny
Moon Bunny
Snow Bunny
Daisy Easter Egg
Toy Hammer
Dreamy Party Popper
Spirit Candy: Pierrot
Leaf Ticket Easter Egg
Hello everyone! I AM SO EXCITED FOR FASHION DREAMER! I saw the game in the direct and LITERALLY SCREAMED because I thought it was Style Savvy. Sadly, it is not but it seems to be a spiritual successor to the series! On the game's website, Syn Sophia is shown on there which means that the same company that made Style Savvy is also working on this game! What do you think? Are you excited and will you be picking up this game? I KNOW I WILL the second it goes live on the Eshop. I always wanted to play Style Savvy and it looked absolutely fab and now I can play as a boy in the new game! I really hope there is more to it then what was shown, I want a boutique like in SS and I hope for it to have a fun narrative and more then just on the surface fashion. It is supposed to come out sometime this year!
I'm excited for it! I've played one Style Savvy game (Styling Star on the 3DS), and enjoyed it enough that I decided I'd probably check out other games in the series at some point, so I'm looking forward to what Syn Sophia does with Fashion Dreamer! ^^
I'll probably wait until a little while after release to get it for a few reasons, but I want to hear more about the gameplay and maybe check out some reviews before I buy. I enjoy pure dressup games sometimes, but I'm also really hoping to see some more story or substance to the game beyond what we've seen in the trailer. ;u; I'm happy that there's male player options now too though!
I was so excited to see this game announced! I've always enjoyed the style savvy series, and have fond memories playing each game. When Fashion Dreamer was first revealed I wasn't sure if it was from syn sophia, but I suspected it could be since the chara models and bgm seemed familiar. Regardless, I'm glad we finally have a new fashion game after many years :] From what they've shown, Fashion Dreamer looks very cute ! (though I hope there's more features to be revealed soon, whether it's new or returning ones 🙈)
I'll be picking this up. I've played all the Style Savvy games and had been hoping for a Switch game. I know this isn't exactly the same, but it's close enough for me. And given the lack of fashion games on the Switch (hello, Nintendo? What's up with that?), I'm glad to get this.
A few weeks ago a ton of new information on Fashion Dreamer was released! It was only featured in Japanese versions of the 6/21/23 Nintendo Direct. Sadly, only Japanese news… the game is releasing on November 2nd in Japan and is unknown for the rest of the world. Many commercials and trailers have been released on YouTube!
I'm not sure how I feel about the whole influencer thing, but I guess I can say I'm cautiously optimistic because I like the concept of dress-up & design. I'm not expecting the regular Style Savvy package (though I would love this more,) but the gameplay does seem a bit shallow in the trailer(s).

I'm still interested to see where it goes and look forward to seeing videos from the Japanese release. If that's in November, it would be cool to have a western holiday 2023 release.
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I'd say I'm also cautiously optimistic. I'm just not sure I vibe with the futuristic void type of setting? because I see no grass/greenery or sky, and I may very well enjoy the game regardless but I'm used to the cute little towns we'd have in previous games with the parks and what not.

I also hope there's more to the game than just..."become a top influencer" n "like other peoples outfits/gains likes on your outfits" etc. the idol concept was cute in the last game.
I'm totally with you both! I am so sad that it seems the boutique is not coming back and the entire story and cool stuff of Style Savvy. It still seems fun but from all the trailers and commercials, it really seems that the only thing you do is rate other peoples outfits and create your own brands. It still looks quite fun but it seems there isn't much depth 🤔 BUT ON THE BRIGHT HAPPY SIDE, the game isn't out until November and if they are already releasing numerous commercials, maybe they have more in store 😍🤩
Around 15 minutes ago Nintendo just dropped a release date trailer for Fashion Dreamer! Watch it here!
I'm extremely surprised that it is actually releasing only a day later in the USA compared to the Japanese game. I was scared it would be shelved for a while during localization.

EDIT: After watching the trailer I am a little bit more exited but saddened by the lack of depth. I saw the solo mode and it sounded really exciting but mostly its just creating outfits. I'll still buy and LOVE this game but probably not as much as Style Savvy sadly.

ALSO the worst part is the in Japan, the game goes for a full 6,578 yen which is over the price of Super Mario Bros. Wonder over there. This means the game is pretty much guaranteed to be a full $60 - $65 game at launch which honestly is ridiculous for a third party, non mainstream fashion game. I would say Style Savvy on switch wouldn't even be worth 60. Styling Star was already getting hate for being $40 on 3DS in 2017.
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Oooh! I'm also surprised by the release date. 😮

Muse creation looks great, and I'm stoked we have unlimited closet space. I always ran into trouble with a full inventory in Style Savvy games because I wanted to stock lots of different styles for my clients.

The photo tool looks like fun too. Not sure how much I'd use it, but a novelty I'd likely enjoy for a bit.
Oooh! I'm also surprised by the release date. 😮

Muse creation looks great, and I'm stoked we have unlimited closet space. I always ran into trouble with a full inventory in Style Savvy games because I wanted to stock lots of different styles for my clients.

The photo tool looks like fun too. Not sure how much I'd use it, but a novelty I'd likely enjoy for a bit.
I absolutely love the photo mode lol, I am a huge fan of making lil scenes with the outfits in SS and other fashion games so its going to be MY FAVE! OOh yeah the inventory is such a big improvement. I'm still real excited! 🤩🛒
I like fashion games, but I only ever tried apps. I've been eyeing this game for that reason. The 4 Muse thing must be pretty cool for artsy people that have OCs in mind and stuff, but that doesn't apply to me at all. Collecting clothes could be fun, but I' feel like I need gameplay alongside that.
I'm currently still kind of bouncing between whether I want to get it or not. On one hand, the idea of being a social media influencer and amassing followers and likes really does not appeal to me in the way that running a cute boutique a la Style Savvy does. On the other hand... the character customization really does look like a lot of fun, I need something to scratch my dressup game itch from time to time, and the ability to have up to four characters sounds pretty nice. ;v; Also happy to hear that closet space is unlimited! I struggle with games that have a lot of clothing options but limited storage—most of my ACNH storage is clothes and I still don't have all I want ahahaha.
I've been having a surprising amount of fun with this, though a lot of that comes from playing in Online Mode. I don't think I'd enjoy this as much in Solo.

When you play online, you get notifications when people 'Like' your stuff (either your muse or something in your showroom). You also have the ability to make outfits for real players, and they can do the same for you. There's a really neat character web that starts to build up based on who your muse has interacted with & who has been in your worlds. It's fun to watch my points go up and see what other people have been vibing with.

I love being able to obtain items by liking them, and there's generous inventory space. Last time I checked, I had 5,000 slots (I'm currently silver rank). This may or may not increase, I'm not sure.

I've been having the most fun making outfits for people, trying to make new clothes with patterns I've unlocked, and designing my showroom with different pieces. :)

Essentially, if you primarily liked Style Savvy for the dress-up part, you'll probably enjoy Fashion Dreamer (though I HIGHLY recommend playing in online mode rather than solo if you're able).

Could Be Better
- Color palettes to design your own patterns are obtained by using certain colors when dressing up other Muses. I wish there were more ways to unlock these. These would have been great to add to bingo/gatcha machines or even the trend boards (e.g.: instead of having a trending color on the board in your world, a trending color palette that you can 'like' to obtain yourself).

- The bingo/gatcha machines. You'll get tickets for these occasionally by creating a look for other Muses, but they're just...bleh

- Camera controls for certain things. e.g.: you're able to zoom in when creating patterns, but not when creating a Lookit (outfit) for other muses

- If you make multiple muses, progress, inventory, and your brand are shared across all of them

- You can save individual pieces to your favorites, but I don't see an option to save favorite outfits

- Can't sort by style, only type of clothing (e.g.: you can sort by pants, shoes, etc., but not 'cute,' 'sporty,' etc.).

- Only accessories are glasses/hats. I wish we had bags!

There are a lot of quality-of-life features missing, but the game does promise free updates. I'm interested to see what the first one will be in December.

Happy to try and help answer any questions if you're still looking into the game!
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UPDATE: I'm loving watching this game online but I ended up not getting it on release. The price is still ridiculous to me as even though I love Style Savvy I just cannot justify this game. It seems extremely repetitive after a while but STILL there is so much content and cool stuff so I will eventually get it! I think the playthroughs online look great :)
I got Fashion Dreamer as an early birthday gift and I basically played it all day today ahahaha ;v; Admittedly there's not a whole lot to it (at least at the moment), so I'll probably won't play it super consistently, but it's very relaxing and cozy and honestly perfect for getting a dressup fix.
The main quality of life improvement I'm hoping for would be options to sort by color/style/sub-type/etc. The current sorting options are pretty basic and I'm struggling a bit trying to figure out exactly what is meant by styles like "active" vs. "casual" vs. "relaxed". The game seems to be super forgiving with NPC requests so it doesn't really matter, but I just like clarity. 😅

I've just got one Muse at the moment, but I'm planning to create more later! c:


ft. another super cute Muse I saw out there in online mode! #i'mnotshort #everyoneelseistall


if anyone wants to add me, my ID is jbxa7EEW37 ! ^^

also if anyone knows what NPC I need to pester to unlock some sort of low single plait hairstyle, I'd love to know—there seems to be a ton of options for braided pigtails but that's not what I'm after
if there isn't one pls Syn Sophia add it in an update, I beg. for some reason games I play with customization never have cute single plait hair options aksjdflsdjfsl
Having played for longer now, my general feeling about Fashion Dreamer is that it's fun... when it actually lets me play it. OTL I feel like I'm fighting against the game just to play how I want to. I'm honestly kind of confused about the direction they went for the game design—it feels to me like I'm playing a money-grabby mobile game, but without the microtransactions. I wouldn't mind the mobile game-esque gameplay so much if, since this isn't a free game, I felt like I was getting the ~premium~ experience... but instead I'm just kind of lost in the multiple layers of unlocking patterns, tons of currencies, and abysmal gacha rates. ;;
I'm also very disappointed that there apparently aren't enough Creative Keys in the game to unlock all the patterns (by quite a large amount, no less)—I wasn't necessarily planning to 100% the game, but I did expect to be able to. Had I known I needed to be selective, there's a few patterns I might not have unlocked to begin with, but I can't even sell those back now. Hoping that the 200 compensation keys will make up for those since my brand level is still low and I don't have access to super expensive patterns yet. 🫠

Now that I've had a chance to play the Fantasy Fair event, my feeling is that it's... fine, but I'm not a fan of some of the patterns being limited-use, or even the fact that this event is limited time at all. There's no reason to rely on FOMO when it really doesn't benefit the game company in any way. It also feels very rushed—like, I've been staring at the Type A and Type B Butterfly Wings, and I swear it's the exact same item model. The only reason it seems to be typelocked is because it's classed as "Outerwear", which is automatically restricted by type, I guess?? I'm not a fan of so many of the items being restricted to a certain type to begin with, but when it's got the exact same model, there's really no good excuse for it other than just bad/rushed coding.

I hope future updates are more focused on improving QoL and adding actual content to the game, and less on events—I'm trying to be patient/forgiving since the game is getting free updates, but I really expect a higher standard of quality than this from Syn Sophia when it comes to fashion games. Like, booting up Style Savvy: Styling Star and just looking at the dressup/fashion mechanics—it has blush, eyeshadow, eyeliner and mascara all in distinct categories, nail polish, the ability to select bangs separately from your main hairstyle, and separate categories for scarves, necklaces, bags, headphones, bracelets/watches, and gloves, all of which are totally absent from Fashion Dreamer at the time I'm writing this. Some shirts come with a necklace that can't be removed or worn separately, and that's about it.

Also the way that hairstyles are handled in FD just feels so clunky 😭 I'd want to see a main hairstyle tab, tabs for bangs and hair accessories, and maybe a button to flip the style to the left or right. Not... "Soft-Bangs Side-Swept Long L" as a completely separate style from "Soft-Bangs Side-Swept Long R", and "[No Bangs] Side-Swept Long L/R", etc. It just makes the hairstyle section feel overly-inflated. Especially when I'm unlocking "Half-Up Beaded Pigtails" L and R from completely separate NPCs, and the only difference from the "Half-Up Pigtails" available at the start is the bead hairties ;; I really hope we get more unique hairstyles later hhhhh

Oof I feel like I'm really beating up on this game right now, so I feel like I should clarify that I do enjoy playing it! The graphics are cute, designing clothes is fun, and I like making Look-its for other players and receiving surprise Look-its back! But this game has too much unused potential, and my opinion of Syn Sophia is set too high, for me to not criticize where I feel like it's lacking.
Oh yeah! I play that game with my mom sometimes! We've sort of developed a few inside jokes from the whole thing. Also it reminds me of the Style Savvy games for some reason.​
What is everyone's option on it since it came out? I kept seeing it mentioned online everywhere I am interested but I heard its expensive?

Also can you play online with others at all?
What is everyone's option on it since it came out? I kept seeing it mentioned online everywhere I am interested but I heard its expensive?

Also can you play online with others at all?
Its actually a full price $40-$67? I believe based on where you live. I never picked it up even though I was planning to since I loved the Style Savvy series so much but from what others have said.. i’ll wait till it goes on sale. I dont think its as good as SS but atleast they added playable male characters (i been waiting 😭).
Oh yeah! I play that game with my mom sometimes! We've sort of developed a few inside jokes from the whole thing. Also it reminds me of the Style Savvy games for some reason.​
its made by Syn Sophia! The same developers of the 3DS and DS Style Savvy games. Though Fashion Dreamer is pretty different and there isnt a boutique.