I love sloths as far as real animals, but I have a hateful vendetta against frog villagers after getting two in a row that took forever to get rid of. I had two dreamies pass through the campsite during, it was a nightmare
I really like pretty much all of the birds in-game (especially penguins, eagles, and normal birds), which reflects my favorite animals. However, if I had to pick a favorite villager species it would probably be squirrel. They just look so cute and there are so many that I like. >_<
I really like horses, anteaters, and kangaroos as far as in-game villagers go. My favorite animal in real life would have to be the sloth! (But I love a bunch of other animals too).
My favorite animals in real life are wolves and dogs (especially Siberian huskies) as I have two of them, I also love pandas!! In game favorite animal is still wolf but I also love Erik the one moose villager, wish there were more and the deer villagers!
I've always liked koalas in real life and, not surprisingly, Ozzie the koala is one of my favourite neighbours in the game. I love him because he just looks like a normal, cute koala. I don't mind some of the other koalas, but some of them are funky colours, so it's not quite the same, lol.
favorite animals would have to be ferrets!! i love their lil long bodies and fur and argh <33 i really wish animal crossing would create some ferret villagers c:
in game animal faves would have to be the octopi and birds. i want more bird and octopus villagers please nintendo get your act together
In real life I love dogs and snow leopards. Dogs because I have two, and snow leopards because they're so interesting and beautiful. c:
In game I really like the deer, wolves, cats, and bunnies. Agh, there are so many cute species.
I have alot of favorite animals irl. but owls are probably my number 1. And orcas are beautiful. There's just too many awesome animals.
Haven't really got any favorites in game.