Favorite animal in real life/in game.

In game it's frogs and squirrels, and in real life it's frogs and octopi :D Octavian is my fav ACNL character, but the other two octopus villagers don't really do it for me.
Some of my favorite animals irl aren't my favorite on ac, except for cats. I love the cat villagers as well as real life cats. But the animals I like irl but not in ac are hippos and dogs. None of the hippos look good imo, and the dogs all look the same to me... It's just kind of a disappointment since there's so many different breeds of dogs, it would be cool to see that on ac. And I don't mean just making them the colors of the different breed, like have different sprites, like the bears and bear cubs. :)
My favourite animal are dogs, favourite breed is shih tzus!
My favourite animal in the game is Isabelle and sprinkle :)
dogs!!! I think some more exotic animals are cute too, like pandas and things, but I think I like dogs best bc I can actually pet them irl and be around them whereas i can't do that for most other animals lol

fav animal in game is beau though he's just too cute sigh
I love his sleepy looking eyes!
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My favorite animal in real life is a Cheetah but I don't think their is a Cheetah in ACNL.
My fav. animals irl have to be birds and horses.... but deers are really cool too.

I guess the same can be said about ac villagers..... I like a lot of birds and horses, and Beau <3
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Wolf is my favorite animal in real life, and my favorite animal crossing animal is Wolfgang :3
My favorite IRL animal are fennec foxes, and my favorite in-game animal are wolves, but I also really like rabbits.
In real life, I really love cats (unfortunately I can't get one bc of family :( ) and I also love fish. It's so relaxing to have pets, that's a big reason why I love them :)

In-game, I like the frogs, especially Lily, the hamsters, especially Apple and Graham, and the cats, namely Rudy.
In-game: deers, hamsters, ducks, and cats
In real life: antelopes, red pandas, polar bears, & bearded dragons
in game i really like the cats but irl i love dogs~ especially squishy faced dogs like pugs and english bulldogs
In-game: cats, dogs, squirrels
In real life: cats, dogs, birds