i like dogs and pandas! dogs bc they're always so optimistic and bright and loving, and pandas because they're just big, squishy, clumsu bowls of marshallow :,)
also have a soft spot for chinchillas because they're so soft
I've always loved pandas, maybe because i had a large ty panda as a kid that my mom got at her babyshower for me but they're still my number one to this day <3 i also really love white tigers, jaguars, leopards, siamese cats, sphinx and bengal cats
Aside from cats and dogs, I love deer (clearly, I have 5 in my town). I've been told I'm akin to these animals.
Also, I go to school in a place encircled by wilderness and you see them often walking through campus. They're very docile and will eat food from you. Makes my day when I come across them